6 Habits of Successful CrossFit Athletes

CrossFit has proved to be hugely popular in the fitness world, mainly for its high-intensity workouts that challenge both physical strength and mental strength. They also push people to their limits and athletes are in ridiculous shape.

It’s important to remember that behind every successful CrossFit athlete lies a set of habits that contribute to their achievements. Here are six habits I believe we see among top CrossFit athletes:
6 Habits of successful CrossFit athletes
#1 – Rest and recovery
Rest and recovery are essential components of any successful training program. Top CrossFit athletes prioritise adequate rest, nutrition, and recovery practices. They understand that proper recovery allows their bodies to repair and grow stronger, ultimately improving their performance.
Most importantly, they don’t skip recovery sessions! These are just as important as training sessions.
#2 – Mindset mastery
The best in the business have developed a winning mindset characterised by mental toughness, resilience, and unwavering focus. They approach every workout, competition, and challenge with a positive attitude and a strong belief in their abilities.
CrossFit workouts can be physically and mentally demanding, requiring mental toughness to push through fatigue and discomfort. They embrace the discomfort of intense workouts, with the view of training at a harder level than they will have to compete at.
#3 – Adaptation and learning
Top level athletes are constantly seeking to learn and improve, both as an athlete and as a person. They remain open to feedback, actively seek out opportunities for growth, and are not afraid to adjust their approach based on new information or experiences, allowing them to stay ahead of the curve in the constantly evolving world of CrossFit.
#4 – Target weaknesses
Rather than avoiding weaknesses, you will find a successful athlete actively seeks to address them head-on. They dedicate time and attention to improving areas where they may be lacking.
Related: Is Micro-Quitting Holding You Back?
#5 – Work ethic
You have to put in the time. Successful CrossFit athletes understand the importance of consistency in their training regimen, while CrossFit is all about variation. When it comes to training at the top level you need a plan and structure to ensure those weak areas get attention.
While following the program is important, this needs to go hand in hand with an unparalleled work ethic if you want to be the best.
#6 – Practise makes perfect
Efficient movement patterns directly influence performance outcomes and competitive success. Meticulously honed form enhances power output, agility, and endurance – all crucial in elite competition. Simply put, it makes them faster, saves energy and optimises their performance. It also reduces the chance of injury.
Final thoughts
What truly sets the top 0.1% apart from the rest of the CrossFit community is that their habits extend beyond the gym, encompassing discipline, hard work, fine tuning skills, resilience, and mental toughness.
This can be found across every aspect of their lifestyle, so if you do the basics well and do them consistently – who knows what you might accomplish!
Fun - Honesty - Simplicity - SMASH LIFE- Mental Toughness - Hard Work

Long EMOM with a mixture of machines and body weight exercises.
This Tuesday, we’re focusing on pull-up progressions! Strict, kipping, and butterfly will appear, followed by lat and core supersets.
On Thursday evening, we’ll focus on handstand hold progressions before having some fun with handstand walks and finishing off the session with core and strength work.
This is the Last Simulation before race week. We will lower the volume but keep the intensity high to make sure you are ready for race day!
ENGINE: Long EMOM with a mixture of machines and body weight exercises
This week, we have the topic: Why are your calves and hamstrings always tight? What can we do to remedy this? Get yourself booked in, and I will show you! This is a great session for everyone, but it is extra beneficial to those runners out there!
This week's pure strength, we have a chance to progress our 20 RM RDL, followed by some heavy press and strict press cluster sets.
This week in weightlifting, we are focusing on the squat clean. With a fun complex followed by some pulls. Perfect technique session, working on the barbell timing and full depth in the clean

Monday Ride
A ride dedicated to group riding skills and some fitness. Coach Rob Foster leads this ride, if you'd like to join email Rob Foster.
Start time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: The Loop Cafe, Bike DXB
Track Tuesday
Our weekly on track speed session! For any level of runner looking to build their run speed, threshold and Vo2max fitness and run with the best running community in Dubai.
Time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: Dubai Sports City Sports Park
Friday - Coffee Run
Our weekly tempo run. Sessions are built on an RPE scale and accessible to all levels of runner. We start together, run hard then finish together and chat about it over a coffee and breakfast.
Brief time: 05:54 am
Start time: 05:59 am
Start Location: Common Grounds
Saturday - Jebel Jais Ride
Today our weekly endurance ride is at Jebel Jais! If you're interested to join email us here.
There is no in person session this week at LRC. Those who are Unlimited Members, your Training Peaks have been programmed still.
Time: 5:59am
Location: Dubai Sports City Sports Park
Session: Track Tuesday
This is your chance to run fast with the wider IFE community and coaches. This week we will be running 600m repeats. Which will start at 5km pace and progress to 3km pace, so that the pace increases within each rep.
There is no in person session this week at LRC. Those who are Unlimited Members, your Training Peaks have been programmed still.
Time: 5:59am
Location: Common Grounds
Session: The Coffee Run
This week we will be running a negative split session, meaning that the second half is faster than the first. After 30 mins of easy running, lock into a 20 mins block of effort from 7 - 9 RPE.
Time: 5:15am
Location: Cape Town
Session: Two Oceans
Today the 56km runners will be taking on Two Oceans.
Time: 6:00am
Location: Cape Town
Session: Two Oceans
Today the 21km runners will be taking on Two Oceans.
Eid Mubarak, we hope you all have a great long weekend! Class times are different this week, so please check the schedule on Mindbody! We have a great week lined up, so see you all on the gym floor!
We start the week with an epic partner workout. Grab a partner, and let's start the week with a bang!
40 min amrap in pairs
50 Cal Row
6 wall walks
50 CB Clean and Jerk
6 Wall Walks
50 Box Jump Overs
6 Wall Walks
On Tuesday, we have some push-and-pull work in our strength area, focused on overhead pressing, and then 2 12-minute AMRAPs for you to get stuck into.
Every 90 sec x 8 Alt between
A: 8 Dual DB Z press
B: 20 Alt Gorilla Rows
12 min amrap
30 Wall balls
30/25 cal ski
30 Double Unders
Rest 3 Mins
12 min amrap
30/25 Sal Ass bike
20 V Ups
20 Russian KB Swings
Wednesday, we are hitting some paused back squats in the strength, and then we get after a real grind of a WOD with some burpee pull-ups, front squats, and running.
Every 2 mins x 6 - 3/3/2/2/1/1 Tempo Back Squats @21X1
10 rounds for time
5 Front Squats
Pool Run
5 burpee pull-ups
Thursday, snatch complex with some accessory, followed by the workout ACID BATH.
Every 2 mins x 8 - 1 Snatch Pull + 1 hang Power Snatch +
1 Power snatch
rest 3 mins
Every 2 mins x 3 - 5 Snatch Grip Deadlift
For time
500m ski
500m row
1000m c2 bike
FUF - Finishing the week with some push-pull work in the strength, before an all-in barbell workout to end the week! What Better!
Every 2 mins x 5 - 5 push press
rest 3 mins
Every 2 mins x 4 complete 6 DB bench Press @ 30x1 + 3-5 strict pull ups
5 min amrap
9 Deadlift
6 Hang Power Clean
Rest 3 mins x 3

CrossFit has proved to be hugely popular in the fitness world, mainly for its high-intensity workouts that challenge both physical strength and mental strength. They also push people to their limits and athletes are in ridiculous shape.

It’s important to remember that behind every successful CrossFit athlete lies a set of habits that contribute to their achievements. Here are six habits I believe we see among top CrossFit athletes:
6 Habits of successful CrossFit athletes
#1 – Rest and recovery
Rest and recovery are essential components of any successful training program. Top CrossFit athletes prioritise adequate rest, nutrition, and recovery practices. They understand that proper recovery allows their bodies to repair and grow stronger, ultimately improving their performance.
Most importantly, they don’t skip recovery sessions! These are just as important as training sessions.
#2 – Mindset mastery
The best in the business have developed a winning mindset characterised by mental toughness, resilience, and unwavering focus. They approach every workout, competition, and challenge with a positive attitude and a strong belief in their abilities.
CrossFit workouts can be physically and mentally demanding, requiring mental toughness to push through fatigue and discomfort. They embrace the discomfort of intense workouts, with the view of training at a harder level than they will have to compete at.
#3 – Adaptation and learning
Top level athletes are constantly seeking to learn and improve, both as an athlete and as a person. They remain open to feedback, actively seek out opportunities for growth, and are not afraid to adjust their approach based on new information or experiences, allowing them to stay ahead of the curve in the constantly evolving world of CrossFit.
#4 – Target weaknesses
Rather than avoiding weaknesses, you will find a successful athlete actively seeks to address them head-on. They dedicate time and attention to improving areas where they may be lacking.
Related: Is Micro-Quitting Holding You Back?
#5 – Work ethic
You have to put in the time. Successful CrossFit athletes understand the importance of consistency in their training regimen, while CrossFit is all about variation. When it comes to training at the top level you need a plan and structure to ensure those weak areas get attention.
While following the program is important, this needs to go hand in hand with an unparalleled work ethic if you want to be the best.
#6 – Practise makes perfect
Efficient movement patterns directly influence performance outcomes and competitive success. Meticulously honed form enhances power output, agility, and endurance – all crucial in elite competition. Simply put, it makes them faster, saves energy and optimises their performance. It also reduces the chance of injury.
Final thoughts
What truly sets the top 0.1% apart from the rest of the CrossFit community is that their habits extend beyond the gym, encompassing discipline, hard work, fine tuning skills, resilience, and mental toughness.
This can be found across every aspect of their lifestyle, so if you do the basics well and do them consistently – who knows what you might accomplish!
Fun - Honesty - Simplicity - SMASH LIFE- Mental Toughness - Hard Work

Monday Ride
A ride dedicated to group riding skills and some fitness. Coach Rob Foster leads this ride, if you'd like to join email Rob Foster.
Start time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: The Loop Cafe, Bike DXB
Track Tuesday
Our weekly on track speed session! For any level of runner looking to build their run speed, threshold and Vo2max fitness and run with the best running community in Dubai.
Time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: Dubai Sports City Sports Park
Friday - Coffee Run
Our weekly tempo run. Sessions are built on an RPE scale and accessible to all levels of runner. We start together, run hard then finish together and chat about it over a coffee and breakfast.
Brief time: 05:54 am
Start time: 05:59 am
Start Location: Common Grounds
Saturday - Jebel Jais Ride
Today our weekly endurance ride is at Jebel Jais! If you're interested to join email us here.
There is no in person session this week at LRC. Those who are Unlimited Members, your Training Peaks have been programmed still.
Time: 5:59am
Location: Dubai Sports City Sports Park
Session: Track Tuesday
This is your chance to run fast with the wider IFE community and coaches. This week we will be running 600m repeats. Which will start at 5km pace and progress to 3km pace, so that the pace increases within each rep.
There is no in person session this week at LRC. Those who are Unlimited Members, your Training Peaks have been programmed still.
Time: 5:59am
Location: Common Grounds
Session: The Coffee Run
This week we will be running a negative split session, meaning that the second half is faster than the first. After 30 mins of easy running, lock into a 20 mins block of effort from 7 - 9 RPE.
Time: 5:15am
Location: Cape Town
Session: Two Oceans
Today the 56km runners will be taking on Two Oceans.
Time: 6:00am
Location: Cape Town
Session: Two Oceans
Today the 21km runners will be taking on Two Oceans.
Eid Mubarak, we hope you all have a great long weekend! Class times are different this week, so please check the schedule on Mindbody! We have a great week lined up, so see you all on the gym floor!
We start the week with an epic partner workout. Grab a partner, and let's start the week with a bang!
40 min amrap in pairs
50 Cal Row
6 wall walks
50 CB Clean and Jerk
6 Wall Walks
50 Box Jump Overs
6 Wall Walks
On Tuesday, we have some push-and-pull work in our strength area, focused on overhead pressing, and then 2 12-minute AMRAPs for you to get stuck into.
Every 90 sec x 8 Alt between
A: 8 Dual DB Z press
B: 20 Alt Gorilla Rows
12 min amrap
30 Wall balls
30/25 cal ski
30 Double Unders
Rest 3 Mins
12 min amrap
30/25 Sal Ass bike
20 V Ups
20 Russian KB Swings
Wednesday, we are hitting some paused back squats in the strength, and then we get after a real grind of a WOD with some burpee pull-ups, front squats, and running.
Every 2 mins x 6 - 3/3/2/2/1/1 Tempo Back Squats @21X1
10 rounds for time
5 Front Squats
Pool Run
5 burpee pull-ups
Thursday, snatch complex with some accessory, followed by the workout ACID BATH.
Every 2 mins x 8 - 1 Snatch Pull + 1 hang Power Snatch +
1 Power snatch
rest 3 mins
Every 2 mins x 3 - 5 Snatch Grip Deadlift
For time
500m ski
500m row
1000m c2 bike
FUF - Finishing the week with some push-pull work in the strength, before an all-in barbell workout to end the week! What Better!
Every 2 mins x 5 - 5 push press
rest 3 mins
Every 2 mins x 4 complete 6 DB bench Press @ 30x1 + 3-5 strict pull ups
5 min amrap
9 Deadlift
6 Hang Power Clean
Rest 3 mins x 3

Long EMOM with a mixture of machines and body weight exercises.
This Tuesday, we’re focusing on pull-up progressions! Strict, kipping, and butterfly will appear, followed by lat and core supersets.
On Thursday evening, we’ll focus on handstand hold progressions before having some fun with handstand walks and finishing off the session with core and strength work.
This is the Last Simulation before race week. We will lower the volume but keep the intensity high to make sure you are ready for race day!
ENGINE: Long EMOM with a mixture of machines and body weight exercises
This week, we have the topic: Why are your calves and hamstrings always tight? What can we do to remedy this? Get yourself booked in, and I will show you! This is a great session for everyone, but it is extra beneficial to those runners out there!
This week's pure strength, we have a chance to progress our 20 RM RDL, followed by some heavy press and strict press cluster sets.
This week in weightlifting, we are focusing on the squat clean. With a fun complex followed by some pulls. Perfect technique session, working on the barbell timing and full depth in the clean

CrossFit has proved to be hugely popular in the fitness world, mainly for its high-intensity workouts that challenge both physical strength and mental strength. They also push people to their limits and athletes are in ridiculous shape.

It’s important to remember that behind every successful CrossFit athlete lies a set of habits that contribute to their achievements. Here are six habits I believe we see among top CrossFit athletes:
6 Habits of successful CrossFit athletes
#1 – Rest and recovery
Rest and recovery are essential components of any successful training program. Top CrossFit athletes prioritise adequate rest, nutrition, and recovery practices. They understand that proper recovery allows their bodies to repair and grow stronger, ultimately improving their performance.
Most importantly, they don’t skip recovery sessions! These are just as important as training sessions.
#2 – Mindset mastery
The best in the business have developed a winning mindset characterised by mental toughness, resilience, and unwavering focus. They approach every workout, competition, and challenge with a positive attitude and a strong belief in their abilities.
CrossFit workouts can be physically and mentally demanding, requiring mental toughness to push through fatigue and discomfort. They embrace the discomfort of intense workouts, with the view of training at a harder level than they will have to compete at.
#3 – Adaptation and learning
Top level athletes are constantly seeking to learn and improve, both as an athlete and as a person. They remain open to feedback, actively seek out opportunities for growth, and are not afraid to adjust their approach based on new information or experiences, allowing them to stay ahead of the curve in the constantly evolving world of CrossFit.
#4 – Target weaknesses
Rather than avoiding weaknesses, you will find a successful athlete actively seeks to address them head-on. They dedicate time and attention to improving areas where they may be lacking.
Related: Is Micro-Quitting Holding You Back?
#5 – Work ethic
You have to put in the time. Successful CrossFit athletes understand the importance of consistency in their training regimen, while CrossFit is all about variation. When it comes to training at the top level you need a plan and structure to ensure those weak areas get attention.
While following the program is important, this needs to go hand in hand with an unparalleled work ethic if you want to be the best.
#6 – Practise makes perfect
Efficient movement patterns directly influence performance outcomes and competitive success. Meticulously honed form enhances power output, agility, and endurance – all crucial in elite competition. Simply put, it makes them faster, saves energy and optimises their performance. It also reduces the chance of injury.
Final thoughts
What truly sets the top 0.1% apart from the rest of the CrossFit community is that their habits extend beyond the gym, encompassing discipline, hard work, fine tuning skills, resilience, and mental toughness.
This can be found across every aspect of their lifestyle, so if you do the basics well and do them consistently – who knows what you might accomplish!
Fun - Honesty - Simplicity - SMASH LIFE- Mental Toughness - Hard Work
There is no in person session this week at LRC. Those who are Unlimited Members, your Training Peaks have been programmed still.
Time: 5:59am
Location: Dubai Sports City Sports Park
Session: Track Tuesday
This is your chance to run fast with the wider IFE community and coaches. This week we will be running 600m repeats. Which will start at 5km pace and progress to 3km pace, so that the pace increases within each rep.
There is no in person session this week at LRC. Those who are Unlimited Members, your Training Peaks have been programmed still.
Time: 5:59am
Location: Common Grounds
Session: The Coffee Run
This week we will be running a negative split session, meaning that the second half is faster than the first. After 30 mins of easy running, lock into a 20 mins block of effort from 7 - 9 RPE.
Time: 5:15am
Location: Cape Town
Session: Two Oceans
Today the 56km runners will be taking on Two Oceans.
Time: 6:00am
Location: Cape Town
Session: Two Oceans
Today the 21km runners will be taking on Two Oceans.
Eid Mubarak, we hope you all have a great long weekend! Class times are different this week, so please check the schedule on Mindbody! We have a great week lined up, so see you all on the gym floor!
We start the week with an epic partner workout. Grab a partner, and let's start the week with a bang!
40 min amrap in pairs
50 Cal Row
6 wall walks
50 CB Clean and Jerk
6 Wall Walks
50 Box Jump Overs
6 Wall Walks
On Tuesday, we have some push-and-pull work in our strength area, focused on overhead pressing, and then 2 12-minute AMRAPs for you to get stuck into.
Every 90 sec x 8 Alt between
A: 8 Dual DB Z press
B: 20 Alt Gorilla Rows
12 min amrap
30 Wall balls
30/25 cal ski
30 Double Unders
Rest 3 Mins
12 min amrap
30/25 Sal Ass bike
20 V Ups
20 Russian KB Swings
Wednesday, we are hitting some paused back squats in the strength, and then we get after a real grind of a WOD with some burpee pull-ups, front squats, and running.
Every 2 mins x 6 - 3/3/2/2/1/1 Tempo Back Squats @21X1
10 rounds for time
5 Front Squats
Pool Run
5 burpee pull-ups
Thursday, snatch complex with some accessory, followed by the workout ACID BATH.
Every 2 mins x 8 - 1 Snatch Pull + 1 hang Power Snatch +
1 Power snatch
rest 3 mins
Every 2 mins x 3 - 5 Snatch Grip Deadlift
For time
500m ski
500m row
1000m c2 bike
FUF - Finishing the week with some push-pull work in the strength, before an all-in barbell workout to end the week! What Better!
Every 2 mins x 5 - 5 push press
rest 3 mins
Every 2 mins x 4 complete 6 DB bench Press @ 30x1 + 3-5 strict pull ups
5 min amrap
9 Deadlift
6 Hang Power Clean
Rest 3 mins x 3

Long EMOM with a mixture of machines and body weight exercises.
This Tuesday, we’re focusing on pull-up progressions! Strict, kipping, and butterfly will appear, followed by lat and core supersets.
On Thursday evening, we’ll focus on handstand hold progressions before having some fun with handstand walks and finishing off the session with core and strength work.
This is the Last Simulation before race week. We will lower the volume but keep the intensity high to make sure you are ready for race day!
ENGINE: Long EMOM with a mixture of machines and body weight exercises
This week, we have the topic: Why are your calves and hamstrings always tight? What can we do to remedy this? Get yourself booked in, and I will show you! This is a great session for everyone, but it is extra beneficial to those runners out there!
This week's pure strength, we have a chance to progress our 20 RM RDL, followed by some heavy press and strict press cluster sets.
This week in weightlifting, we are focusing on the squat clean. With a fun complex followed by some pulls. Perfect technique session, working on the barbell timing and full depth in the clean

Monday Ride
A ride dedicated to group riding skills and some fitness. Coach Rob Foster leads this ride, if you'd like to join email Rob Foster.
Start time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: The Loop Cafe, Bike DXB
Track Tuesday
Our weekly on track speed session! For any level of runner looking to build their run speed, threshold and Vo2max fitness and run with the best running community in Dubai.
Time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: Dubai Sports City Sports Park
Friday - Coffee Run
Our weekly tempo run. Sessions are built on an RPE scale and accessible to all levels of runner. We start together, run hard then finish together and chat about it over a coffee and breakfast.
Brief time: 05:54 am
Start time: 05:59 am
Start Location: Common Grounds
Saturday - Jebel Jais Ride
Today our weekly endurance ride is at Jebel Jais! If you're interested to join email us here.

CrossFit has proved to be hugely popular in the fitness world, mainly for its high-intensity workouts that challenge both physical strength and mental strength. They also push people to their limits and athletes are in ridiculous shape.

It’s important to remember that behind every successful CrossFit athlete lies a set of habits that contribute to their achievements. Here are six habits I believe we see among top CrossFit athletes:
6 Habits of successful CrossFit athletes
#1 – Rest and recovery
Rest and recovery are essential components of any successful training program. Top CrossFit athletes prioritise adequate rest, nutrition, and recovery practices. They understand that proper recovery allows their bodies to repair and grow stronger, ultimately improving their performance.
Most importantly, they don’t skip recovery sessions! These are just as important as training sessions.
#2 – Mindset mastery
The best in the business have developed a winning mindset characterised by mental toughness, resilience, and unwavering focus. They approach every workout, competition, and challenge with a positive attitude and a strong belief in their abilities.
CrossFit workouts can be physically and mentally demanding, requiring mental toughness to push through fatigue and discomfort. They embrace the discomfort of intense workouts, with the view of training at a harder level than they will have to compete at.
#3 – Adaptation and learning
Top level athletes are constantly seeking to learn and improve, both as an athlete and as a person. They remain open to feedback, actively seek out opportunities for growth, and are not afraid to adjust their approach based on new information or experiences, allowing them to stay ahead of the curve in the constantly evolving world of CrossFit.
#4 – Target weaknesses
Rather than avoiding weaknesses, you will find a successful athlete actively seeks to address them head-on. They dedicate time and attention to improving areas where they may be lacking.
Related: Is Micro-Quitting Holding You Back?
#5 – Work ethic
You have to put in the time. Successful CrossFit athletes understand the importance of consistency in their training regimen, while CrossFit is all about variation. When it comes to training at the top level you need a plan and structure to ensure those weak areas get attention.
While following the program is important, this needs to go hand in hand with an unparalleled work ethic if you want to be the best.
#6 – Practise makes perfect
Efficient movement patterns directly influence performance outcomes and competitive success. Meticulously honed form enhances power output, agility, and endurance – all crucial in elite competition. Simply put, it makes them faster, saves energy and optimises their performance. It also reduces the chance of injury.
Final thoughts
What truly sets the top 0.1% apart from the rest of the CrossFit community is that their habits extend beyond the gym, encompassing discipline, hard work, fine tuning skills, resilience, and mental toughness.
This can be found across every aspect of their lifestyle, so if you do the basics well and do them consistently – who knows what you might accomplish!
Fun - Honesty - Simplicity - SMASH LIFE- Mental Toughness - Hard Work

CrossFit has proved to be hugely popular in the fitness world, mainly for its high-intensity workouts that challenge both physical strength and mental strength. They also push people to their limits and athletes are in ridiculous shape.

It’s important to remember that behind every successful CrossFit athlete lies a set of habits that contribute to their achievements. Here are six habits I believe we see among top CrossFit athletes:
6 Habits of successful CrossFit athletes
#1 – Rest and recovery
Rest and recovery are essential components of any successful training program. Top CrossFit athletes prioritise adequate rest, nutrition, and recovery practices. They understand that proper recovery allows their bodies to repair and grow stronger, ultimately improving their performance.
Most importantly, they don’t skip recovery sessions! These are just as important as training sessions.
#2 – Mindset mastery
The best in the business have developed a winning mindset characterised by mental toughness, resilience, and unwavering focus. They approach every workout, competition, and challenge with a positive attitude and a strong belief in their abilities.
CrossFit workouts can be physically and mentally demanding, requiring mental toughness to push through fatigue and discomfort. They embrace the discomfort of intense workouts, with the view of training at a harder level than they will have to compete at.
#3 – Adaptation and learning
Top level athletes are constantly seeking to learn and improve, both as an athlete and as a person. They remain open to feedback, actively seek out opportunities for growth, and are not afraid to adjust their approach based on new information or experiences, allowing them to stay ahead of the curve in the constantly evolving world of CrossFit.
#4 – Target weaknesses
Rather than avoiding weaknesses, you will find a successful athlete actively seeks to address them head-on. They dedicate time and attention to improving areas where they may be lacking.
Related: Is Micro-Quitting Holding You Back?
#5 – Work ethic
You have to put in the time. Successful CrossFit athletes understand the importance of consistency in their training regimen, while CrossFit is all about variation. When it comes to training at the top level you need a plan and structure to ensure those weak areas get attention.
While following the program is important, this needs to go hand in hand with an unparalleled work ethic if you want to be the best.
#6 – Practise makes perfect
Efficient movement patterns directly influence performance outcomes and competitive success. Meticulously honed form enhances power output, agility, and endurance – all crucial in elite competition. Simply put, it makes them faster, saves energy and optimises their performance. It also reduces the chance of injury.
Final thoughts
What truly sets the top 0.1% apart from the rest of the CrossFit community is that their habits extend beyond the gym, encompassing discipline, hard work, fine tuning skills, resilience, and mental toughness.
This can be found across every aspect of their lifestyle, so if you do the basics well and do them consistently – who knows what you might accomplish!
Fun - Honesty - Simplicity - SMASH LIFE- Mental Toughness - Hard Work

One-Hour Workout: Revving Your Swim Engine