Our Standards

In 2018 our endurance team was made up of around 40 members. I am proud to say in 2022; we will be far closer to 400. This has happened quite organically but not by accident.
As the team has grown, so has our need for standards. This led us to create two ‘expectation lists. One is what we expect from our endurance coaches, and the other is the expectations of our endurance members.
An InnerFight Endurance Coach will:
- Strive to provide the best possible service for all clients
- Take feedback and criticism constructively, with only a goal of being better in mind.
- Show loyalty to the InnerFight brand through actions and attitude.
- Understand where they are on the coaching cycle at all time.
- Onboard clients who they are excited to coach.
- Reject or refer clients they feel are not right for their coaching style.
- See obstacles as challenges and challenges as ways to learn.
An InnerFight Athlete will:
- Understand they are part of an Endurance Team striving to be the best in the world.
- Ensure they clear with the coaches expectations and express their own expectations prior to the program beginning.
-Understand and try to live by the InnerFight brand values.
- Be clear with their time available for training and communicate it clearly to their coach.
- Provide feedback on all sessions within their TrainingPeaks account.
- Respect the coaches private time and 'normal' working hours.
- Check in with their coach weekly and inform of any schedule or life updates.
- Understand where their training is taking them and ask their coach questions if they don't understand.
- Act only in a positive manner during community sessions or events and express to their coach if a negative experience has arisen.
- Trust their coach and their coaching process, be willing to change habits and commit to the program.
- Understand their coach is striving to deliver what is best for them (the athlete).
- Make payments on time for the correct amount with a coaching reference (if paid online).
- Understand what No Weakness means to them.
Simplicity is one of our brand values. These two lists add an element of this for both the coach and athlete as it gives clear guidelines on how to be their best. In that sense, it is simple. However, reading these expectations is one thing. Acting on them is another.
This is where the magic of endurance meets the magic of life.
Want to get involved in our endurance team?

Revisiting Mikkos with some over and under-threshold intervals.
This week, we will spend some time on ring dips! Get read for isometric holds, eccentrics, strict work, and kipping progressions. We’ll prioritise lockout strength, crucial for pressing movements like handstand push-ups, strict presses, and jerks.
We will take on a full HYROX for the race simulation. It can be done individually or in pairs.
This weekend, the mobility focus is improving the range of motion in joints and muscles. Upper body mobility focuses on the shoulders, wrists, and T spine, helping with movements like reaching and rotating. Lower body mobility targets the hips, knees, and ankles, improving flexibility for activities like squats and lunges. Come join us to keep those bodies healthy.
In Pure Strength this week, we are hitting some cluster sets on the front squat on Monday, followed by some single leg work coupled with the bent-over rows. We are clustering the Bench Press and ring rows to build some push and pull strength, followed by some dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts on Wednesday.
For weightlifting this week, we will focus on the squat snatch. With a fun complex snatch pull, Hang squat snatch and OHS. Great technique session!

Monday Ride
A ride dedicated to group riding skills and some fitness. Coach Rob Foster leads this ride, if you'd like to join email rf@innerfight.com
Start time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: The Loop Cafe, Bike DXB
Track Tuesday
Our weekly on track speed session! For any level of runner looking to build their run speed, threshold and Vo2max fitness and run with the best running community in Dubai.
Time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: Dubai Sports City Sports Park
Friday - Coffee Run
Our weekly tempo run. This run is currently gearing run fitness towards the incoming half marathons. Sessions are built on an RPE scale and accessible to all levels of runner.
Brief time: 05:54 am
Start time: 05:59 am
Start Location: Common Grounds

Time: 5:59pm
Location: InnerFight
Session: Tempo
PM Session only: This evening we will be building in pace as the blocks progress. Each block of work is 6 mins long and has a 2 mins recovery. Start at a 5/10 effort and gradually build to a 8/10 RPE.
Time: 5:59am
Location: Dubai Sports City Sports Park
Session: Track Tuesday
This is your chance to run fast with the wider IFE community and coaches. Today we will be running 200m repeats at 1km pace. This is a fast session, focus on keeping good running form throughout.
Time: 5:59am & 4:59pm
Location: InnerFight
Session: LRC Intervals
If you didn't run track, today we have some speed work for you in the morning. The session at 5:59am will be 1km into 400m repeats, back to 1km.
In the evening we will run easy at 4:59pm this week with IFE ahead of Iftar in Gym 2 from 6pm.
Hills Start Time: 5:29am
Brief time: 5:54am
Start Time: 5:59am
Location: Common Grounds
Session: The Coffee Run
This week we will have bridge repeats for those who want elevation, and tempo for those who want to push the pace on the flat surface. The choice is yours. (If you are running Two Oceans, we recommend the hills option).
Location: KhorFakkan
Session: LRC Training Camp
We will be back in Hatta this week for our Sunday long run. We will be in Khorfakkan this wekeend for our LRC Training Camp. All details or run distances, start times, and locations will be share in TrainnigPeaks and WhatsApp.
Please talk to Steph for further details.
Location: KhorFakkan
Session: LRC Training Camp
We will be back in Hatta this week for our Sunday long run. We will be in Khorfakkan this wekeend for our LRC Training Camp. We will be in Khorfakkan this wekeend for our LRC Training Camp. All details or run distances, start times, and locations will be share in TrainnigPeaks and WhatsApp.
Please talk to Steph for further details.

We start the week with some upper-body pressing work and weighted push-ups as we build up to heavy 3 reps. Then, we'll move on to dumbbell bench presses and push presses before hitting a tough effort partner ski and burpee workout. Who's your partner?
A) EMOM x 7 - 3 Weighted Push Ups
B) Every 90secs x 5 - 8 DB Bench Press (Tempo 20X1)
C) EMOM x 6 - 5/5 DB Push Press
In Pairs 2000m ski
EMOM including minutes 1, 5 synchro burpees.
We have some single-leg barbell good mornings at a nice tempo that will fire up your posterior, followed by a heavy barbell complex and running in the workout.
Every 2mins x 5 - 6/leg staggered stance barbell good morning
(Tempo 30x1)
25 min AMRAP
Park run
6 Rounds Complex:
1 power clean
1 hang power
Wednesday is about strict pulling strength, focusing on developing strict pull-ups and building more strength with sleds and dumbbells. The workout will test your grip and your shoulders!
Alt EMOM x 10
A) 3-5 Strict Pull Ups
B) 5/5 Db Bent Over Row
C) Every 3mins x 5 - 1 Length Sled Pull
For Time
DB Hang Snatch
100 DU after each set
On Thursday, we are progressing on our back squats and working in some power with jumping and some single-leg work before a nice triplet of rowing, rope climbs, and assault bike work.
A) Max Distance Broad Jump
B) Every 2mins x 5 - 3 Back Squats (Tempo 30X1)
C) Every 90secs x 4 - 16-14-12-10 Db Reverse Lunges
In a 3-minute window x 3
250/200m row
2 Rope Climb
AMRAP Cal Assualt Bike
Rest 2:00 mins
Finishing the week off with some static gymnastics strength as an EMOM before hitting the workout, which will last for 30mins involves a barbell, some push-ups, and box jump-overs.
EMOM x 9
A) 20sec L Sit Hang
B) 20 Sec Handstand Hold
C) 30sec Hollow Hold

In 2018 our endurance team was made up of around 40 members. I am proud to say in 2022; we will be far closer to 400. This has happened quite organically but not by accident.
As the team has grown, so has our need for standards. This led us to create two ‘expectation lists. One is what we expect from our endurance coaches, and the other is the expectations of our endurance members.
An InnerFight Endurance Coach will:
- Strive to provide the best possible service for all clients
- Take feedback and criticism constructively, with only a goal of being better in mind.
- Show loyalty to the InnerFight brand through actions and attitude.
- Understand where they are on the coaching cycle at all time.
- Onboard clients who they are excited to coach.
- Reject or refer clients they feel are not right for their coaching style.
- See obstacles as challenges and challenges as ways to learn.
An InnerFight Athlete will:
- Understand they are part of an Endurance Team striving to be the best in the world.
- Ensure they clear with the coaches expectations and express their own expectations prior to the program beginning.
-Understand and try to live by the InnerFight brand values.
- Be clear with their time available for training and communicate it clearly to their coach.
- Provide feedback on all sessions within their TrainingPeaks account.
- Respect the coaches private time and 'normal' working hours.
- Check in with their coach weekly and inform of any schedule or life updates.
- Understand where their training is taking them and ask their coach questions if they don't understand.
- Act only in a positive manner during community sessions or events and express to their coach if a negative experience has arisen.
- Trust their coach and their coaching process, be willing to change habits and commit to the program.
- Understand their coach is striving to deliver what is best for them (the athlete).
- Make payments on time for the correct amount with a coaching reference (if paid online).
- Understand what No Weakness means to them.
Simplicity is one of our brand values. These two lists add an element of this for both the coach and athlete as it gives clear guidelines on how to be their best. In that sense, it is simple. However, reading these expectations is one thing. Acting on them is another.
This is where the magic of endurance meets the magic of life.
Want to get involved in our endurance team?

Monday Ride
A ride dedicated to group riding skills and some fitness. Coach Rob Foster leads this ride, if you'd like to join email rf@innerfight.com
Start time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: The Loop Cafe, Bike DXB
Track Tuesday
Our weekly on track speed session! For any level of runner looking to build their run speed, threshold and Vo2max fitness and run with the best running community in Dubai.
Time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: Dubai Sports City Sports Park
Friday - Coffee Run
Our weekly tempo run. This run is currently gearing run fitness towards the incoming half marathons. Sessions are built on an RPE scale and accessible to all levels of runner.
Brief time: 05:54 am
Start time: 05:59 am
Start Location: Common Grounds

Time: 5:59pm
Location: InnerFight
Session: Tempo
PM Session only: This evening we will be building in pace as the blocks progress. Each block of work is 6 mins long and has a 2 mins recovery. Start at a 5/10 effort and gradually build to a 8/10 RPE.
Time: 5:59am
Location: Dubai Sports City Sports Park
Session: Track Tuesday
This is your chance to run fast with the wider IFE community and coaches. Today we will be running 200m repeats at 1km pace. This is a fast session, focus on keeping good running form throughout.
Time: 5:59am & 4:59pm
Location: InnerFight
Session: LRC Intervals
If you didn't run track, today we have some speed work for you in the morning. The session at 5:59am will be 1km into 400m repeats, back to 1km.
In the evening we will run easy at 4:59pm this week with IFE ahead of Iftar in Gym 2 from 6pm.
Hills Start Time: 5:29am
Brief time: 5:54am
Start Time: 5:59am
Location: Common Grounds
Session: The Coffee Run
This week we will have bridge repeats for those who want elevation, and tempo for those who want to push the pace on the flat surface. The choice is yours. (If you are running Two Oceans, we recommend the hills option).
Location: KhorFakkan
Session: LRC Training Camp
We will be back in Hatta this week for our Sunday long run. We will be in Khorfakkan this wekeend for our LRC Training Camp. All details or run distances, start times, and locations will be share in TrainnigPeaks and WhatsApp.
Please talk to Steph for further details.
Location: KhorFakkan
Session: LRC Training Camp
We will be back in Hatta this week for our Sunday long run. We will be in Khorfakkan this wekeend for our LRC Training Camp. We will be in Khorfakkan this wekeend for our LRC Training Camp. All details or run distances, start times, and locations will be share in TrainnigPeaks and WhatsApp.
Please talk to Steph for further details.

We start the week with some upper-body pressing work and weighted push-ups as we build up to heavy 3 reps. Then, we'll move on to dumbbell bench presses and push presses before hitting a tough effort partner ski and burpee workout. Who's your partner?
A) EMOM x 7 - 3 Weighted Push Ups
B) Every 90secs x 5 - 8 DB Bench Press (Tempo 20X1)
C) EMOM x 6 - 5/5 DB Push Press
In Pairs 2000m ski
EMOM including minutes 1, 5 synchro burpees.
We have some single-leg barbell good mornings at a nice tempo that will fire up your posterior, followed by a heavy barbell complex and running in the workout.
Every 2mins x 5 - 6/leg staggered stance barbell good morning
(Tempo 30x1)
25 min AMRAP
Park run
6 Rounds Complex:
1 power clean
1 hang power
Wednesday is about strict pulling strength, focusing on developing strict pull-ups and building more strength with sleds and dumbbells. The workout will test your grip and your shoulders!
Alt EMOM x 10
A) 3-5 Strict Pull Ups
B) 5/5 Db Bent Over Row
C) Every 3mins x 5 - 1 Length Sled Pull
For Time
DB Hang Snatch
100 DU after each set
On Thursday, we are progressing on our back squats and working in some power with jumping and some single-leg work before a nice triplet of rowing, rope climbs, and assault bike work.
A) Max Distance Broad Jump
B) Every 2mins x 5 - 3 Back Squats (Tempo 30X1)
C) Every 90secs x 4 - 16-14-12-10 Db Reverse Lunges
In a 3-minute window x 3
250/200m row
2 Rope Climb
AMRAP Cal Assualt Bike
Rest 2:00 mins
Finishing the week off with some static gymnastics strength as an EMOM before hitting the workout, which will last for 30mins involves a barbell, some push-ups, and box jump-overs.
EMOM x 9
A) 20sec L Sit Hang
B) 20 Sec Handstand Hold
C) 30sec Hollow Hold

Revisiting Mikkos with some over and under-threshold intervals.
This week, we will spend some time on ring dips! Get read for isometric holds, eccentrics, strict work, and kipping progressions. We’ll prioritise lockout strength, crucial for pressing movements like handstand push-ups, strict presses, and jerks.
We will take on a full HYROX for the race simulation. It can be done individually or in pairs.
This weekend, the mobility focus is improving the range of motion in joints and muscles. Upper body mobility focuses on the shoulders, wrists, and T spine, helping with movements like reaching and rotating. Lower body mobility targets the hips, knees, and ankles, improving flexibility for activities like squats and lunges. Come join us to keep those bodies healthy.
In Pure Strength this week, we are hitting some cluster sets on the front squat on Monday, followed by some single leg work coupled with the bent-over rows. We are clustering the Bench Press and ring rows to build some push and pull strength, followed by some dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts on Wednesday.
For weightlifting this week, we will focus on the squat snatch. With a fun complex snatch pull, Hang squat snatch and OHS. Great technique session!

In 2018 our endurance team was made up of around 40 members. I am proud to say in 2022; we will be far closer to 400. This has happened quite organically but not by accident.
As the team has grown, so has our need for standards. This led us to create two ‘expectation lists. One is what we expect from our endurance coaches, and the other is the expectations of our endurance members.
An InnerFight Endurance Coach will:
- Strive to provide the best possible service for all clients
- Take feedback and criticism constructively, with only a goal of being better in mind.
- Show loyalty to the InnerFight brand through actions and attitude.
- Understand where they are on the coaching cycle at all time.
- Onboard clients who they are excited to coach.
- Reject or refer clients they feel are not right for their coaching style.
- See obstacles as challenges and challenges as ways to learn.
An InnerFight Athlete will:
- Understand they are part of an Endurance Team striving to be the best in the world.
- Ensure they clear with the coaches expectations and express their own expectations prior to the program beginning.
-Understand and try to live by the InnerFight brand values.
- Be clear with their time available for training and communicate it clearly to their coach.
- Provide feedback on all sessions within their TrainingPeaks account.
- Respect the coaches private time and 'normal' working hours.
- Check in with their coach weekly and inform of any schedule or life updates.
- Understand where their training is taking them and ask their coach questions if they don't understand.
- Act only in a positive manner during community sessions or events and express to their coach if a negative experience has arisen.
- Trust their coach and their coaching process, be willing to change habits and commit to the program.
- Understand their coach is striving to deliver what is best for them (the athlete).
- Make payments on time for the correct amount with a coaching reference (if paid online).
- Understand what No Weakness means to them.
Simplicity is one of our brand values. These two lists add an element of this for both the coach and athlete as it gives clear guidelines on how to be their best. In that sense, it is simple. However, reading these expectations is one thing. Acting on them is another.
This is where the magic of endurance meets the magic of life.
Want to get involved in our endurance team?

Time: 5:59pm
Location: InnerFight
Session: Tempo
PM Session only: This evening we will be building in pace as the blocks progress. Each block of work is 6 mins long and has a 2 mins recovery. Start at a 5/10 effort and gradually build to a 8/10 RPE.
Time: 5:59am
Location: Dubai Sports City Sports Park
Session: Track Tuesday
This is your chance to run fast with the wider IFE community and coaches. Today we will be running 200m repeats at 1km pace. This is a fast session, focus on keeping good running form throughout.
Time: 5:59am & 4:59pm
Location: InnerFight
Session: LRC Intervals
If you didn't run track, today we have some speed work for you in the morning. The session at 5:59am will be 1km into 400m repeats, back to 1km.
In the evening we will run easy at 4:59pm this week with IFE ahead of Iftar in Gym 2 from 6pm.
Hills Start Time: 5:29am
Brief time: 5:54am
Start Time: 5:59am
Location: Common Grounds
Session: The Coffee Run
This week we will have bridge repeats for those who want elevation, and tempo for those who want to push the pace on the flat surface. The choice is yours. (If you are running Two Oceans, we recommend the hills option).
Location: KhorFakkan
Session: LRC Training Camp
We will be back in Hatta this week for our Sunday long run. We will be in Khorfakkan this wekeend for our LRC Training Camp. All details or run distances, start times, and locations will be share in TrainnigPeaks and WhatsApp.
Please talk to Steph for further details.
Location: KhorFakkan
Session: LRC Training Camp
We will be back in Hatta this week for our Sunday long run. We will be in Khorfakkan this wekeend for our LRC Training Camp. We will be in Khorfakkan this wekeend for our LRC Training Camp. All details or run distances, start times, and locations will be share in TrainnigPeaks and WhatsApp.
Please talk to Steph for further details.

We start the week with some upper-body pressing work and weighted push-ups as we build up to heavy 3 reps. Then, we'll move on to dumbbell bench presses and push presses before hitting a tough effort partner ski and burpee workout. Who's your partner?
A) EMOM x 7 - 3 Weighted Push Ups
B) Every 90secs x 5 - 8 DB Bench Press (Tempo 20X1)
C) EMOM x 6 - 5/5 DB Push Press
In Pairs 2000m ski
EMOM including minutes 1, 5 synchro burpees.
We have some single-leg barbell good mornings at a nice tempo that will fire up your posterior, followed by a heavy barbell complex and running in the workout.
Every 2mins x 5 - 6/leg staggered stance barbell good morning
(Tempo 30x1)
25 min AMRAP
Park run
6 Rounds Complex:
1 power clean
1 hang power
Wednesday is about strict pulling strength, focusing on developing strict pull-ups and building more strength with sleds and dumbbells. The workout will test your grip and your shoulders!
Alt EMOM x 10
A) 3-5 Strict Pull Ups
B) 5/5 Db Bent Over Row
C) Every 3mins x 5 - 1 Length Sled Pull
For Time
DB Hang Snatch
100 DU after each set
On Thursday, we are progressing on our back squats and working in some power with jumping and some single-leg work before a nice triplet of rowing, rope climbs, and assault bike work.
A) Max Distance Broad Jump
B) Every 2mins x 5 - 3 Back Squats (Tempo 30X1)
C) Every 90secs x 4 - 16-14-12-10 Db Reverse Lunges
In a 3-minute window x 3
250/200m row
2 Rope Climb
AMRAP Cal Assualt Bike
Rest 2:00 mins
Finishing the week off with some static gymnastics strength as an EMOM before hitting the workout, which will last for 30mins involves a barbell, some push-ups, and box jump-overs.
EMOM x 9
A) 20sec L Sit Hang
B) 20 Sec Handstand Hold
C) 30sec Hollow Hold

Revisiting Mikkos with some over and under-threshold intervals.
This week, we will spend some time on ring dips! Get read for isometric holds, eccentrics, strict work, and kipping progressions. We’ll prioritise lockout strength, crucial for pressing movements like handstand push-ups, strict presses, and jerks.
We will take on a full HYROX for the race simulation. It can be done individually or in pairs.
This weekend, the mobility focus is improving the range of motion in joints and muscles. Upper body mobility focuses on the shoulders, wrists, and T spine, helping with movements like reaching and rotating. Lower body mobility targets the hips, knees, and ankles, improving flexibility for activities like squats and lunges. Come join us to keep those bodies healthy.
In Pure Strength this week, we are hitting some cluster sets on the front squat on Monday, followed by some single leg work coupled with the bent-over rows. We are clustering the Bench Press and ring rows to build some push and pull strength, followed by some dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts on Wednesday.
For weightlifting this week, we will focus on the squat snatch. With a fun complex snatch pull, Hang squat snatch and OHS. Great technique session!

Monday Ride
A ride dedicated to group riding skills and some fitness. Coach Rob Foster leads this ride, if you'd like to join email rf@innerfight.com
Start time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: The Loop Cafe, Bike DXB
Track Tuesday
Our weekly on track speed session! For any level of runner looking to build their run speed, threshold and Vo2max fitness and run with the best running community in Dubai.
Time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: Dubai Sports City Sports Park
Friday - Coffee Run
Our weekly tempo run. This run is currently gearing run fitness towards the incoming half marathons. Sessions are built on an RPE scale and accessible to all levels of runner.
Brief time: 05:54 am
Start time: 05:59 am
Start Location: Common Grounds

In 2018 our endurance team was made up of around 40 members. I am proud to say in 2022; we will be far closer to 400. This has happened quite organically but not by accident.
As the team has grown, so has our need for standards. This led us to create two ‘expectation lists. One is what we expect from our endurance coaches, and the other is the expectations of our endurance members.
An InnerFight Endurance Coach will:
- Strive to provide the best possible service for all clients
- Take feedback and criticism constructively, with only a goal of being better in mind.
- Show loyalty to the InnerFight brand through actions and attitude.
- Understand where they are on the coaching cycle at all time.
- Onboard clients who they are excited to coach.
- Reject or refer clients they feel are not right for their coaching style.
- See obstacles as challenges and challenges as ways to learn.
An InnerFight Athlete will:
- Understand they are part of an Endurance Team striving to be the best in the world.
- Ensure they clear with the coaches expectations and express their own expectations prior to the program beginning.
-Understand and try to live by the InnerFight brand values.
- Be clear with their time available for training and communicate it clearly to their coach.
- Provide feedback on all sessions within their TrainingPeaks account.
- Respect the coaches private time and 'normal' working hours.
- Check in with their coach weekly and inform of any schedule or life updates.
- Understand where their training is taking them and ask their coach questions if they don't understand.
- Act only in a positive manner during community sessions or events and express to their coach if a negative experience has arisen.
- Trust their coach and their coaching process, be willing to change habits and commit to the program.
- Understand their coach is striving to deliver what is best for them (the athlete).
- Make payments on time for the correct amount with a coaching reference (if paid online).
- Understand what No Weakness means to them.
Simplicity is one of our brand values. These two lists add an element of this for both the coach and athlete as it gives clear guidelines on how to be their best. In that sense, it is simple. However, reading these expectations is one thing. Acting on them is another.
This is where the magic of endurance meets the magic of life.
Want to get involved in our endurance team?

In 2018 our endurance team was made up of around 40 members. I am proud to say in 2022; we will be far closer to 400. This has happened quite organically but not by accident.
As the team has grown, so has our need for standards. This led us to create two ‘expectation lists. One is what we expect from our endurance coaches, and the other is the expectations of our endurance members.
An InnerFight Endurance Coach will:
- Strive to provide the best possible service for all clients
- Take feedback and criticism constructively, with only a goal of being better in mind.
- Show loyalty to the InnerFight brand through actions and attitude.
- Understand where they are on the coaching cycle at all time.
- Onboard clients who they are excited to coach.
- Reject or refer clients they feel are not right for their coaching style.
- See obstacles as challenges and challenges as ways to learn.
An InnerFight Athlete will:
- Understand they are part of an Endurance Team striving to be the best in the world.
- Ensure they clear with the coaches expectations and express their own expectations prior to the program beginning.
-Understand and try to live by the InnerFight brand values.
- Be clear with their time available for training and communicate it clearly to their coach.
- Provide feedback on all sessions within their TrainingPeaks account.
- Respect the coaches private time and 'normal' working hours.
- Check in with their coach weekly and inform of any schedule or life updates.
- Understand where their training is taking them and ask their coach questions if they don't understand.
- Act only in a positive manner during community sessions or events and express to their coach if a negative experience has arisen.
- Trust their coach and their coaching process, be willing to change habits and commit to the program.
- Understand their coach is striving to deliver what is best for them (the athlete).
- Make payments on time for the correct amount with a coaching reference (if paid online).
- Understand what No Weakness means to them.
Simplicity is one of our brand values. These two lists add an element of this for both the coach and athlete as it gives clear guidelines on how to be their best. In that sense, it is simple. However, reading these expectations is one thing. Acting on them is another.
This is where the magic of endurance meets the magic of life.
Want to get involved in our endurance team?

One-Hour Workout: Revving Your Swim Engine