Racing Disasters, With Jess Towl

So as races have started again, I thought I would give you some tips for racing and funny stories from my own experiences. Yes we all mess up and learn lessons the hard way, even the pros!
Never use new equipment on race day
It was my A race of the season and I was in the shape of my life looking forward to competing against a field of world-class athletes. One of my friends offered to let me borrow his race wheels, he met me the morning of the race so I didn’t test them out before hand and in the stress of race morning I didn’t even fully check them. I put them on my bike and headed into transition. I was out of the water and into the lead pack, 3 of us had a 1-minute lead on the second pack, which had Olympic medallists in it. I felt good and strong and suddenly as I took my turn on the front I heard a bang and immediately felt like my breaks were on. I had a blow out.
As pros racing an Olympic distance race there is no time to change a tyre or replace the wheel. Once you lose that pack your race is over and the walk of shame back to transition begins.
Always know where your transition rack is
Seems simple enough right? Well even when I had my name board on my transition rack I still managed to mess this one up.
Flying into T2 in a pack and wanting to be the first one out onto the run all I saw were my shoes and my white towel. Bike racked, helmet off, shoes on in a second and off I go. Something didn’t feel right and about 1km into the run I realise that the shoes I was wearing were not mine, they were a few sizes too big!
People are going to have similar shoes and towels so just make sure you know where your transition rack is, put crazy coloured elastic laces in your shoes, use a bright towel, anything to help you find your rack easily.
Wear your goggles on the inside of your hat and tuck your wetsuit zip cord into it
I have had my fair share of violent starts; pontoon starts always seem the worst as you literally dive on top of each other when the gun goes.
One race I did in France we had 60 female athletes starting on a pontoon with 20 lanes, it was carnage.
Whether it was on purpose or by accident ill never know but someone ripped my goggles from my head and completely unzipped my wetsuit. It immediately filled with water and my arms became so heavy I could barely lift them. My goggles were gone at this point but I had to stop and try to zip myself back up so that I could carry on. From that day I always kept my goggles under my hat and tucked my wetsuit cord deep into it. That way no one could grab either of them and even better I could find my wetsuit zipper easier as I was running from the water to transition.
Know the course – following others isn’t good enough
Make sure you are familiar with the course. Study the map and go for a small recce ride the day before to familiarise yourself with where you will be going.
One year in the London Triathlon I was following what I thought was the lead vehicle, but it was actually just a cameraman on a motorbike. I noticed that the usual barriers that line the streets had gone and before I fully realised we were off course we hit a dead end! There was a group of about 6 of us that came to a full stop. We had to turn around and head back until we found other cyclists that were on the right route.
It is easy to blame race officials, to just follow other athletes, to blame bad signage, no barriers, no lead vehicle etc but at the end of the day you are responsible for knowing and executing the correct route. Do not rely on others and just blindly follow other athletes.
Nutrition and hydration is key no matter the distance
It doesn’t matter if you aren’t hungry or thirsty, you must eat and hydrate well for a triathlon regardless of the distance. One summer in an Olympic distance race I had taped a gel to the cross bar of my bike. In the rush of draft legal races I accidently dropped it before I could eat it. I didn’t have a back up and I only had water in my bottles. Moral of the story: always be over prepared! It’s better to finish a race with an extra gel than to be suffering without one.
In the same race I didn’t drink on the run because I was desperately trying to hold onto a podium position. I thought if I grabbed water I might lose my rhythm or lose a few seconds and I just didn’t want to risk it. 1km left to go and I didn’t even know my own name, I was suffering from heat stroke and running in zigzags. The next thing I remember was waking up in fully naked in a bath of ice and an IV in my arm. Funny part to this story is the first thing I said when I woke up was “please tell me you didn’t cut off my Tri suit”
It was my GB Tri suit, my pride and joy the thing I had worked so hard to get. You had to earn those by racing at either European or World level. Since that day I have made sure to never have a nutritional or hydration issue racing again.
Practise mounting and dismounting – a lot!
In my opinion you cant practise this enough. I recently stood at the dismount line at a local triathlon in Dubai and it was very entertaining albeit quite dangerous.
I saw people brining their leg over the cross bar rather than behind. People completely stopping and others fly into the back of them and some athletes with their feet still inside shoes toppling over.
We used to do series of super super sprint races that were extremely fast. Imagine 20 riders coming to that narrow dismount line at very high speeds all wanting to be the first out onto the run. Believe it or not it’s not as bad as you imagine. Pros practise and practise this until it becomes second nature. They are so smooth and fast and safe around others. Of all the triathlons I have ever done I only ever had one issue here, my bike somehow got interlocked with another triathletes and we couldn’t separate them, we were both pulling our bikes and getting nowhere in the end we racked them still stuck together and were just very lucky we didn’t get penalised.
Don’t follow everyone else on the swim – sight your buoys.
Its easy to get caught up following someone else’s feet in the swim, its good to sit on someone’s feet but make sure you also know where your buoy is and keep sighting it.
A race I did in Australia that had a very long triangular shaped swim, the men set off an hour before the females so the sea was clear of any swimmers. I lead from the start, sighting the buoy very far out. The closer I got to it the more I realised how far to the left I has swum when it was supposed to be a straight line. I stopped, took off my goggles and could see the actual buoy about 400m to the right!! I panicked; I was so far off course surely that would be the end of my race. I turned around and noticed that every single other triathlete had followed me, like a line of sheep. Not one person had gone the correct way. So I headed in the right direction, still at the front and with everyone following.
As a former professional triathlete I have seen and done (nearly) every mistake. Thankfully this gives me an extra edge as a coach! So please reach out if you have any questions or want to discuss coaching options.

50 min AMRAP of Rowing, Ski Erg and Running!
On Tuesday morning, we’ll dial in on toes-to-bar progressions, followed by capacity work. We’ll then round out the session with core and lat supersets to build strength and control.
Thursday evening, we’re going BIG on bar muscle-ups! Whether you're chasing your first rep or fine-tuning your technique for cleaner, stronger sets, we’ve got you covered with progressions, modifications, and strength drills to help you level up. As always, all abilities are welcome!
There are two weeks left until Sharjah. This is a race simulation in which we will take on a full HYROX. It can be done individually or in pairs, and the run distance can be changed.
In Pure Strength this week, we are kicking off the week with some strict press work followed by dumbbell flys and supinated barbell rows. On Wednesday, we are hitting a 20-rep max on the RDL, aiming to progress from last week before getting in some single-leg work and some core and pull accessory work.
This week, we are working on the snatch in weightlifting. This is a technique-based session. We are getting used to squatting with the barbell overhead and finishing with some heavy front squats. Do not miss out!
Monday Ride
A ride dedicated to group riding skills and some fitness. Coach Rob Foster leads this ride, if you'd like to join email
Start time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: The Loop Cafe, Bike DXB
Track Tuesday
Our weekly on track speed session! For any level of runner looking to build their run speed, threshold and Vo2max fitness and run with the best running community in Dubai.
Time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: Dubai Sports City Sports Park
Friday - Coffee Run
Our weekly tempo run. Sessions are built on an RPE scale and accessible to all levels of runner. We start together, run hard then finish together and chat about it over a coffee and breakfast.
Brief time: 05:54 am
Start time: 05:59 am
Start Location: Common Grounds
Sunday - Group Long Run
Our runners will be on the beach track today for our group long run. If you'd like to join please email
Time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: 300m on the beach track
Time: 5:59pm
Location: InnerFight
Session: Tempo
PM Session only: This evening we will be holding Tempo pace (7/10 RPE) for 4 mins blocks of work. Each block will have a 1 min recovery. 7x reps.
Time: 5:59am
Location: Dubai Sports City Sports Park
Session: Track Tuesday
This is your chance to run fast with the wider IFE community and coaches. This week we will be running 1600m repeats that will gradually build in pace.
Time: 5:59am & 5:59pm
Location: InnerFight
Session: LRC Intervals
If you didn't run track, today we have some speed work for you today. We will be running broken 400s. Where the first 100m will be hard (9/10 effort) into a 300m float recovery. Aim for 8 - 12 x reps.
Time: 5:29am & 5:59am
Location: Common Grounds
Session: The Coffee Run
This week we will have bridge repeats for everyone. Helping you build some strength in your legs. There will be to start times, to cater for thsoe wanting to run a bit longer.
This week at Innerfight, we start with some strict pull-up work and some overhead pushing with dumbbell rows. Monday's workout is a face-paced workout for time with dumbbell STOH pull-ups and double unders.
A) Every 75secs x 6 - 3 Strict Pull Ups
B) Every 90secs x 10 - Alt between 15 Incline Chest Support Rows & Half kneeling DB Press
Park run
4 rounds
10 Pull-ups
30 DU
On Tuesday, we are progressing our back squats with an easier tempo, followed by two partner workouts. Can you match your time from the first workout to the second workout?
Every 2mins x 5 - 3 Tempo Back Squats @20X1
12min AMRAP in Pairs
750m row
6 widths suitcase walking lunge
30 TTB
rest 3 mins
For time, your score in reverse order!
Midweek, we get stuck into some incline bench pressing, along with some direct lat and tricep accessory work, followed by a very short, very fast workout.
A) Incline Tempo Bench Press - 12/10/8/6/4 @30X1
B) Every 90secs x 6 Alt between 15 DB Skull Crushers & 10 Forearm Banded Plank Rows
30 - 20 -10
Wall Balls
Cal Ski
Thursday is a strongman's dream. It includes an axel bar deadlift and sandbag loading, followed by a strength workout with the sandbags.
A) EMOM x 10 - Min 1) Axel Bar Deadlift (Building) Min 2) Rest
B) EMOM x 10 - Min 1) Sandbag to Box (Building) Min 2) Rest
6-minute window
2 rounds
1 lap sandbag carry
10 sandbag reverse lunges
AMRAP burpees to target
rest 2 mins x 2
Friday, we finish the week with a heavy cluster followed by a very leggy workout! Enjoy!!!
A) Every 90secs x 6 - 1 Cluster
28mins - Thrusters, Box Jumps and Assualt Bike!

So as races have started again, I thought I would give you some tips for racing and funny stories from my own experiences. Yes we all mess up and learn lessons the hard way, even the pros!
Never use new equipment on race day
It was my A race of the season and I was in the shape of my life looking forward to competing against a field of world-class athletes. One of my friends offered to let me borrow his race wheels, he met me the morning of the race so I didn’t test them out before hand and in the stress of race morning I didn’t even fully check them. I put them on my bike and headed into transition. I was out of the water and into the lead pack, 3 of us had a 1-minute lead on the second pack, which had Olympic medallists in it. I felt good and strong and suddenly as I took my turn on the front I heard a bang and immediately felt like my breaks were on. I had a blow out.
As pros racing an Olympic distance race there is no time to change a tyre or replace the wheel. Once you lose that pack your race is over and the walk of shame back to transition begins.
Always know where your transition rack is
Seems simple enough right? Well even when I had my name board on my transition rack I still managed to mess this one up.
Flying into T2 in a pack and wanting to be the first one out onto the run all I saw were my shoes and my white towel. Bike racked, helmet off, shoes on in a second and off I go. Something didn’t feel right and about 1km into the run I realise that the shoes I was wearing were not mine, they were a few sizes too big!
People are going to have similar shoes and towels so just make sure you know where your transition rack is, put crazy coloured elastic laces in your shoes, use a bright towel, anything to help you find your rack easily.
Wear your goggles on the inside of your hat and tuck your wetsuit zip cord into it
I have had my fair share of violent starts; pontoon starts always seem the worst as you literally dive on top of each other when the gun goes.
One race I did in France we had 60 female athletes starting on a pontoon with 20 lanes, it was carnage.
Whether it was on purpose or by accident ill never know but someone ripped my goggles from my head and completely unzipped my wetsuit. It immediately filled with water and my arms became so heavy I could barely lift them. My goggles were gone at this point but I had to stop and try to zip myself back up so that I could carry on. From that day I always kept my goggles under my hat and tucked my wetsuit cord deep into it. That way no one could grab either of them and even better I could find my wetsuit zipper easier as I was running from the water to transition.
Know the course – following others isn’t good enough
Make sure you are familiar with the course. Study the map and go for a small recce ride the day before to familiarise yourself with where you will be going.
One year in the London Triathlon I was following what I thought was the lead vehicle, but it was actually just a cameraman on a motorbike. I noticed that the usual barriers that line the streets had gone and before I fully realised we were off course we hit a dead end! There was a group of about 6 of us that came to a full stop. We had to turn around and head back until we found other cyclists that were on the right route.
It is easy to blame race officials, to just follow other athletes, to blame bad signage, no barriers, no lead vehicle etc but at the end of the day you are responsible for knowing and executing the correct route. Do not rely on others and just blindly follow other athletes.
Nutrition and hydration is key no matter the distance
It doesn’t matter if you aren’t hungry or thirsty, you must eat and hydrate well for a triathlon regardless of the distance. One summer in an Olympic distance race I had taped a gel to the cross bar of my bike. In the rush of draft legal races I accidently dropped it before I could eat it. I didn’t have a back up and I only had water in my bottles. Moral of the story: always be over prepared! It’s better to finish a race with an extra gel than to be suffering without one.
In the same race I didn’t drink on the run because I was desperately trying to hold onto a podium position. I thought if I grabbed water I might lose my rhythm or lose a few seconds and I just didn’t want to risk it. 1km left to go and I didn’t even know my own name, I was suffering from heat stroke and running in zigzags. The next thing I remember was waking up in fully naked in a bath of ice and an IV in my arm. Funny part to this story is the first thing I said when I woke up was “please tell me you didn’t cut off my Tri suit”
It was my GB Tri suit, my pride and joy the thing I had worked so hard to get. You had to earn those by racing at either European or World level. Since that day I have made sure to never have a nutritional or hydration issue racing again.
Practise mounting and dismounting – a lot!
In my opinion you cant practise this enough. I recently stood at the dismount line at a local triathlon in Dubai and it was very entertaining albeit quite dangerous.
I saw people brining their leg over the cross bar rather than behind. People completely stopping and others fly into the back of them and some athletes with their feet still inside shoes toppling over.
We used to do series of super super sprint races that were extremely fast. Imagine 20 riders coming to that narrow dismount line at very high speeds all wanting to be the first out onto the run. Believe it or not it’s not as bad as you imagine. Pros practise and practise this until it becomes second nature. They are so smooth and fast and safe around others. Of all the triathlons I have ever done I only ever had one issue here, my bike somehow got interlocked with another triathletes and we couldn’t separate them, we were both pulling our bikes and getting nowhere in the end we racked them still stuck together and were just very lucky we didn’t get penalised.
Don’t follow everyone else on the swim – sight your buoys.
Its easy to get caught up following someone else’s feet in the swim, its good to sit on someone’s feet but make sure you also know where your buoy is and keep sighting it.
A race I did in Australia that had a very long triangular shaped swim, the men set off an hour before the females so the sea was clear of any swimmers. I lead from the start, sighting the buoy very far out. The closer I got to it the more I realised how far to the left I has swum when it was supposed to be a straight line. I stopped, took off my goggles and could see the actual buoy about 400m to the right!! I panicked; I was so far off course surely that would be the end of my race. I turned around and noticed that every single other triathlete had followed me, like a line of sheep. Not one person had gone the correct way. So I headed in the right direction, still at the front and with everyone following.
As a former professional triathlete I have seen and done (nearly) every mistake. Thankfully this gives me an extra edge as a coach! So please reach out if you have any questions or want to discuss coaching options.
Monday Ride
A ride dedicated to group riding skills and some fitness. Coach Rob Foster leads this ride, if you'd like to join email
Start time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: The Loop Cafe, Bike DXB
Track Tuesday
Our weekly on track speed session! For any level of runner looking to build their run speed, threshold and Vo2max fitness and run with the best running community in Dubai.
Time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: Dubai Sports City Sports Park
Friday - Coffee Run
Our weekly tempo run. Sessions are built on an RPE scale and accessible to all levels of runner. We start together, run hard then finish together and chat about it over a coffee and breakfast.
Brief time: 05:54 am
Start time: 05:59 am
Start Location: Common Grounds
Sunday - Group Long Run
Our runners will be on the beach track today for our group long run. If you'd like to join please email
Time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: 300m on the beach track
Time: 5:59pm
Location: InnerFight
Session: Tempo
PM Session only: This evening we will be holding Tempo pace (7/10 RPE) for 4 mins blocks of work. Each block will have a 1 min recovery. 7x reps.
Time: 5:59am
Location: Dubai Sports City Sports Park
Session: Track Tuesday
This is your chance to run fast with the wider IFE community and coaches. This week we will be running 1600m repeats that will gradually build in pace.
Time: 5:59am & 5:59pm
Location: InnerFight
Session: LRC Intervals
If you didn't run track, today we have some speed work for you today. We will be running broken 400s. Where the first 100m will be hard (9/10 effort) into a 300m float recovery. Aim for 8 - 12 x reps.
Time: 5:29am & 5:59am
Location: Common Grounds
Session: The Coffee Run
This week we will have bridge repeats for everyone. Helping you build some strength in your legs. There will be to start times, to cater for thsoe wanting to run a bit longer.
This week at Innerfight, we start with some strict pull-up work and some overhead pushing with dumbbell rows. Monday's workout is a face-paced workout for time with dumbbell STOH pull-ups and double unders.
A) Every 75secs x 6 - 3 Strict Pull Ups
B) Every 90secs x 10 - Alt between 15 Incline Chest Support Rows & Half kneeling DB Press
Park run
4 rounds
10 Pull-ups
30 DU
On Tuesday, we are progressing our back squats with an easier tempo, followed by two partner workouts. Can you match your time from the first workout to the second workout?
Every 2mins x 5 - 3 Tempo Back Squats @20X1
12min AMRAP in Pairs
750m row
6 widths suitcase walking lunge
30 TTB
rest 3 mins
For time, your score in reverse order!
Midweek, we get stuck into some incline bench pressing, along with some direct lat and tricep accessory work, followed by a very short, very fast workout.
A) Incline Tempo Bench Press - 12/10/8/6/4 @30X1
B) Every 90secs x 6 Alt between 15 DB Skull Crushers & 10 Forearm Banded Plank Rows
30 - 20 -10
Wall Balls
Cal Ski
Thursday is a strongman's dream. It includes an axel bar deadlift and sandbag loading, followed by a strength workout with the sandbags.
A) EMOM x 10 - Min 1) Axel Bar Deadlift (Building) Min 2) Rest
B) EMOM x 10 - Min 1) Sandbag to Box (Building) Min 2) Rest
6-minute window
2 rounds
1 lap sandbag carry
10 sandbag reverse lunges
AMRAP burpees to target
rest 2 mins x 2
Friday, we finish the week with a heavy cluster followed by a very leggy workout! Enjoy!!!
A) Every 90secs x 6 - 1 Cluster
28mins - Thrusters, Box Jumps and Assualt Bike!

50 min AMRAP of Rowing, Ski Erg and Running!
On Tuesday morning, we’ll dial in on toes-to-bar progressions, followed by capacity work. We’ll then round out the session with core and lat supersets to build strength and control.
Thursday evening, we’re going BIG on bar muscle-ups! Whether you're chasing your first rep or fine-tuning your technique for cleaner, stronger sets, we’ve got you covered with progressions, modifications, and strength drills to help you level up. As always, all abilities are welcome!
There are two weeks left until Sharjah. This is a race simulation in which we will take on a full HYROX. It can be done individually or in pairs, and the run distance can be changed.
In Pure Strength this week, we are kicking off the week with some strict press work followed by dumbbell flys and supinated barbell rows. On Wednesday, we are hitting a 20-rep max on the RDL, aiming to progress from last week before getting in some single-leg work and some core and pull accessory work.
This week, we are working on the snatch in weightlifting. This is a technique-based session. We are getting used to squatting with the barbell overhead and finishing with some heavy front squats. Do not miss out!

So as races have started again, I thought I would give you some tips for racing and funny stories from my own experiences. Yes we all mess up and learn lessons the hard way, even the pros!
Never use new equipment on race day
It was my A race of the season and I was in the shape of my life looking forward to competing against a field of world-class athletes. One of my friends offered to let me borrow his race wheels, he met me the morning of the race so I didn’t test them out before hand and in the stress of race morning I didn’t even fully check them. I put them on my bike and headed into transition. I was out of the water and into the lead pack, 3 of us had a 1-minute lead on the second pack, which had Olympic medallists in it. I felt good and strong and suddenly as I took my turn on the front I heard a bang and immediately felt like my breaks were on. I had a blow out.
As pros racing an Olympic distance race there is no time to change a tyre or replace the wheel. Once you lose that pack your race is over and the walk of shame back to transition begins.
Always know where your transition rack is
Seems simple enough right? Well even when I had my name board on my transition rack I still managed to mess this one up.
Flying into T2 in a pack and wanting to be the first one out onto the run all I saw were my shoes and my white towel. Bike racked, helmet off, shoes on in a second and off I go. Something didn’t feel right and about 1km into the run I realise that the shoes I was wearing were not mine, they were a few sizes too big!
People are going to have similar shoes and towels so just make sure you know where your transition rack is, put crazy coloured elastic laces in your shoes, use a bright towel, anything to help you find your rack easily.
Wear your goggles on the inside of your hat and tuck your wetsuit zip cord into it
I have had my fair share of violent starts; pontoon starts always seem the worst as you literally dive on top of each other when the gun goes.
One race I did in France we had 60 female athletes starting on a pontoon with 20 lanes, it was carnage.
Whether it was on purpose or by accident ill never know but someone ripped my goggles from my head and completely unzipped my wetsuit. It immediately filled with water and my arms became so heavy I could barely lift them. My goggles were gone at this point but I had to stop and try to zip myself back up so that I could carry on. From that day I always kept my goggles under my hat and tucked my wetsuit cord deep into it. That way no one could grab either of them and even better I could find my wetsuit zipper easier as I was running from the water to transition.
Know the course – following others isn’t good enough
Make sure you are familiar with the course. Study the map and go for a small recce ride the day before to familiarise yourself with where you will be going.
One year in the London Triathlon I was following what I thought was the lead vehicle, but it was actually just a cameraman on a motorbike. I noticed that the usual barriers that line the streets had gone and before I fully realised we were off course we hit a dead end! There was a group of about 6 of us that came to a full stop. We had to turn around and head back until we found other cyclists that were on the right route.
It is easy to blame race officials, to just follow other athletes, to blame bad signage, no barriers, no lead vehicle etc but at the end of the day you are responsible for knowing and executing the correct route. Do not rely on others and just blindly follow other athletes.
Nutrition and hydration is key no matter the distance
It doesn’t matter if you aren’t hungry or thirsty, you must eat and hydrate well for a triathlon regardless of the distance. One summer in an Olympic distance race I had taped a gel to the cross bar of my bike. In the rush of draft legal races I accidently dropped it before I could eat it. I didn’t have a back up and I only had water in my bottles. Moral of the story: always be over prepared! It’s better to finish a race with an extra gel than to be suffering without one.
In the same race I didn’t drink on the run because I was desperately trying to hold onto a podium position. I thought if I grabbed water I might lose my rhythm or lose a few seconds and I just didn’t want to risk it. 1km left to go and I didn’t even know my own name, I was suffering from heat stroke and running in zigzags. The next thing I remember was waking up in fully naked in a bath of ice and an IV in my arm. Funny part to this story is the first thing I said when I woke up was “please tell me you didn’t cut off my Tri suit”
It was my GB Tri suit, my pride and joy the thing I had worked so hard to get. You had to earn those by racing at either European or World level. Since that day I have made sure to never have a nutritional or hydration issue racing again.
Practise mounting and dismounting – a lot!
In my opinion you cant practise this enough. I recently stood at the dismount line at a local triathlon in Dubai and it was very entertaining albeit quite dangerous.
I saw people brining their leg over the cross bar rather than behind. People completely stopping and others fly into the back of them and some athletes with their feet still inside shoes toppling over.
We used to do series of super super sprint races that were extremely fast. Imagine 20 riders coming to that narrow dismount line at very high speeds all wanting to be the first out onto the run. Believe it or not it’s not as bad as you imagine. Pros practise and practise this until it becomes second nature. They are so smooth and fast and safe around others. Of all the triathlons I have ever done I only ever had one issue here, my bike somehow got interlocked with another triathletes and we couldn’t separate them, we were both pulling our bikes and getting nowhere in the end we racked them still stuck together and were just very lucky we didn’t get penalised.
Don’t follow everyone else on the swim – sight your buoys.
Its easy to get caught up following someone else’s feet in the swim, its good to sit on someone’s feet but make sure you also know where your buoy is and keep sighting it.
A race I did in Australia that had a very long triangular shaped swim, the men set off an hour before the females so the sea was clear of any swimmers. I lead from the start, sighting the buoy very far out. The closer I got to it the more I realised how far to the left I has swum when it was supposed to be a straight line. I stopped, took off my goggles and could see the actual buoy about 400m to the right!! I panicked; I was so far off course surely that would be the end of my race. I turned around and noticed that every single other triathlete had followed me, like a line of sheep. Not one person had gone the correct way. So I headed in the right direction, still at the front and with everyone following.
As a former professional triathlete I have seen and done (nearly) every mistake. Thankfully this gives me an extra edge as a coach! So please reach out if you have any questions or want to discuss coaching options.
Time: 5:59pm
Location: InnerFight
Session: Tempo
PM Session only: This evening we will be holding Tempo pace (7/10 RPE) for 4 mins blocks of work. Each block will have a 1 min recovery. 7x reps.
Time: 5:59am
Location: Dubai Sports City Sports Park
Session: Track Tuesday
This is your chance to run fast with the wider IFE community and coaches. This week we will be running 1600m repeats that will gradually build in pace.
Time: 5:59am & 5:59pm
Location: InnerFight
Session: LRC Intervals
If you didn't run track, today we have some speed work for you today. We will be running broken 400s. Where the first 100m will be hard (9/10 effort) into a 300m float recovery. Aim for 8 - 12 x reps.
Time: 5:29am & 5:59am
Location: Common Grounds
Session: The Coffee Run
This week we will have bridge repeats for everyone. Helping you build some strength in your legs. There will be to start times, to cater for thsoe wanting to run a bit longer.
This week at Innerfight, we start with some strict pull-up work and some overhead pushing with dumbbell rows. Monday's workout is a face-paced workout for time with dumbbell STOH pull-ups and double unders.
A) Every 75secs x 6 - 3 Strict Pull Ups
B) Every 90secs x 10 - Alt between 15 Incline Chest Support Rows & Half kneeling DB Press
Park run
4 rounds
10 Pull-ups
30 DU
On Tuesday, we are progressing our back squats with an easier tempo, followed by two partner workouts. Can you match your time from the first workout to the second workout?
Every 2mins x 5 - 3 Tempo Back Squats @20X1
12min AMRAP in Pairs
750m row
6 widths suitcase walking lunge
30 TTB
rest 3 mins
For time, your score in reverse order!
Midweek, we get stuck into some incline bench pressing, along with some direct lat and tricep accessory work, followed by a very short, very fast workout.
A) Incline Tempo Bench Press - 12/10/8/6/4 @30X1
B) Every 90secs x 6 Alt between 15 DB Skull Crushers & 10 Forearm Banded Plank Rows
30 - 20 -10
Wall Balls
Cal Ski
Thursday is a strongman's dream. It includes an axel bar deadlift and sandbag loading, followed by a strength workout with the sandbags.
A) EMOM x 10 - Min 1) Axel Bar Deadlift (Building) Min 2) Rest
B) EMOM x 10 - Min 1) Sandbag to Box (Building) Min 2) Rest
6-minute window
2 rounds
1 lap sandbag carry
10 sandbag reverse lunges
AMRAP burpees to target
rest 2 mins x 2
Friday, we finish the week with a heavy cluster followed by a very leggy workout! Enjoy!!!
A) Every 90secs x 6 - 1 Cluster
28mins - Thrusters, Box Jumps and Assualt Bike!

50 min AMRAP of Rowing, Ski Erg and Running!
On Tuesday morning, we’ll dial in on toes-to-bar progressions, followed by capacity work. We’ll then round out the session with core and lat supersets to build strength and control.
Thursday evening, we’re going BIG on bar muscle-ups! Whether you're chasing your first rep or fine-tuning your technique for cleaner, stronger sets, we’ve got you covered with progressions, modifications, and strength drills to help you level up. As always, all abilities are welcome!
There are two weeks left until Sharjah. This is a race simulation in which we will take on a full HYROX. It can be done individually or in pairs, and the run distance can be changed.
In Pure Strength this week, we are kicking off the week with some strict press work followed by dumbbell flys and supinated barbell rows. On Wednesday, we are hitting a 20-rep max on the RDL, aiming to progress from last week before getting in some single-leg work and some core and pull accessory work.
This week, we are working on the snatch in weightlifting. This is a technique-based session. We are getting used to squatting with the barbell overhead and finishing with some heavy front squats. Do not miss out!
Monday Ride
A ride dedicated to group riding skills and some fitness. Coach Rob Foster leads this ride, if you'd like to join email
Start time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: The Loop Cafe, Bike DXB
Track Tuesday
Our weekly on track speed session! For any level of runner looking to build their run speed, threshold and Vo2max fitness and run with the best running community in Dubai.
Time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: Dubai Sports City Sports Park
Friday - Coffee Run
Our weekly tempo run. Sessions are built on an RPE scale and accessible to all levels of runner. We start together, run hard then finish together and chat about it over a coffee and breakfast.
Brief time: 05:54 am
Start time: 05:59 am
Start Location: Common Grounds
Sunday - Group Long Run
Our runners will be on the beach track today for our group long run. If you'd like to join please email
Time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: 300m on the beach track

So as races have started again, I thought I would give you some tips for racing and funny stories from my own experiences. Yes we all mess up and learn lessons the hard way, even the pros!
Never use new equipment on race day
It was my A race of the season and I was in the shape of my life looking forward to competing against a field of world-class athletes. One of my friends offered to let me borrow his race wheels, he met me the morning of the race so I didn’t test them out before hand and in the stress of race morning I didn’t even fully check them. I put them on my bike and headed into transition. I was out of the water and into the lead pack, 3 of us had a 1-minute lead on the second pack, which had Olympic medallists in it. I felt good and strong and suddenly as I took my turn on the front I heard a bang and immediately felt like my breaks were on. I had a blow out.
As pros racing an Olympic distance race there is no time to change a tyre or replace the wheel. Once you lose that pack your race is over and the walk of shame back to transition begins.
Always know where your transition rack is
Seems simple enough right? Well even when I had my name board on my transition rack I still managed to mess this one up.
Flying into T2 in a pack and wanting to be the first one out onto the run all I saw were my shoes and my white towel. Bike racked, helmet off, shoes on in a second and off I go. Something didn’t feel right and about 1km into the run I realise that the shoes I was wearing were not mine, they were a few sizes too big!
People are going to have similar shoes and towels so just make sure you know where your transition rack is, put crazy coloured elastic laces in your shoes, use a bright towel, anything to help you find your rack easily.
Wear your goggles on the inside of your hat and tuck your wetsuit zip cord into it
I have had my fair share of violent starts; pontoon starts always seem the worst as you literally dive on top of each other when the gun goes.
One race I did in France we had 60 female athletes starting on a pontoon with 20 lanes, it was carnage.
Whether it was on purpose or by accident ill never know but someone ripped my goggles from my head and completely unzipped my wetsuit. It immediately filled with water and my arms became so heavy I could barely lift them. My goggles were gone at this point but I had to stop and try to zip myself back up so that I could carry on. From that day I always kept my goggles under my hat and tucked my wetsuit cord deep into it. That way no one could grab either of them and even better I could find my wetsuit zipper easier as I was running from the water to transition.
Know the course – following others isn’t good enough
Make sure you are familiar with the course. Study the map and go for a small recce ride the day before to familiarise yourself with where you will be going.
One year in the London Triathlon I was following what I thought was the lead vehicle, but it was actually just a cameraman on a motorbike. I noticed that the usual barriers that line the streets had gone and before I fully realised we were off course we hit a dead end! There was a group of about 6 of us that came to a full stop. We had to turn around and head back until we found other cyclists that were on the right route.
It is easy to blame race officials, to just follow other athletes, to blame bad signage, no barriers, no lead vehicle etc but at the end of the day you are responsible for knowing and executing the correct route. Do not rely on others and just blindly follow other athletes.
Nutrition and hydration is key no matter the distance
It doesn’t matter if you aren’t hungry or thirsty, you must eat and hydrate well for a triathlon regardless of the distance. One summer in an Olympic distance race I had taped a gel to the cross bar of my bike. In the rush of draft legal races I accidently dropped it before I could eat it. I didn’t have a back up and I only had water in my bottles. Moral of the story: always be over prepared! It’s better to finish a race with an extra gel than to be suffering without one.
In the same race I didn’t drink on the run because I was desperately trying to hold onto a podium position. I thought if I grabbed water I might lose my rhythm or lose a few seconds and I just didn’t want to risk it. 1km left to go and I didn’t even know my own name, I was suffering from heat stroke and running in zigzags. The next thing I remember was waking up in fully naked in a bath of ice and an IV in my arm. Funny part to this story is the first thing I said when I woke up was “please tell me you didn’t cut off my Tri suit”
It was my GB Tri suit, my pride and joy the thing I had worked so hard to get. You had to earn those by racing at either European or World level. Since that day I have made sure to never have a nutritional or hydration issue racing again.
Practise mounting and dismounting – a lot!
In my opinion you cant practise this enough. I recently stood at the dismount line at a local triathlon in Dubai and it was very entertaining albeit quite dangerous.
I saw people brining their leg over the cross bar rather than behind. People completely stopping and others fly into the back of them and some athletes with their feet still inside shoes toppling over.
We used to do series of super super sprint races that were extremely fast. Imagine 20 riders coming to that narrow dismount line at very high speeds all wanting to be the first out onto the run. Believe it or not it’s not as bad as you imagine. Pros practise and practise this until it becomes second nature. They are so smooth and fast and safe around others. Of all the triathlons I have ever done I only ever had one issue here, my bike somehow got interlocked with another triathletes and we couldn’t separate them, we were both pulling our bikes and getting nowhere in the end we racked them still stuck together and were just very lucky we didn’t get penalised.
Don’t follow everyone else on the swim – sight your buoys.
Its easy to get caught up following someone else’s feet in the swim, its good to sit on someone’s feet but make sure you also know where your buoy is and keep sighting it.
A race I did in Australia that had a very long triangular shaped swim, the men set off an hour before the females so the sea was clear of any swimmers. I lead from the start, sighting the buoy very far out. The closer I got to it the more I realised how far to the left I has swum when it was supposed to be a straight line. I stopped, took off my goggles and could see the actual buoy about 400m to the right!! I panicked; I was so far off course surely that would be the end of my race. I turned around and noticed that every single other triathlete had followed me, like a line of sheep. Not one person had gone the correct way. So I headed in the right direction, still at the front and with everyone following.
As a former professional triathlete I have seen and done (nearly) every mistake. Thankfully this gives me an extra edge as a coach! So please reach out if you have any questions or want to discuss coaching options.

So as races have started again, I thought I would give you some tips for racing and funny stories from my own experiences. Yes we all mess up and learn lessons the hard way, even the pros!
Never use new equipment on race day
It was my A race of the season and I was in the shape of my life looking forward to competing against a field of world-class athletes. One of my friends offered to let me borrow his race wheels, he met me the morning of the race so I didn’t test them out before hand and in the stress of race morning I didn’t even fully check them. I put them on my bike and headed into transition. I was out of the water and into the lead pack, 3 of us had a 1-minute lead on the second pack, which had Olympic medallists in it. I felt good and strong and suddenly as I took my turn on the front I heard a bang and immediately felt like my breaks were on. I had a blow out.
As pros racing an Olympic distance race there is no time to change a tyre or replace the wheel. Once you lose that pack your race is over and the walk of shame back to transition begins.
Always know where your transition rack is
Seems simple enough right? Well even when I had my name board on my transition rack I still managed to mess this one up.
Flying into T2 in a pack and wanting to be the first one out onto the run all I saw were my shoes and my white towel. Bike racked, helmet off, shoes on in a second and off I go. Something didn’t feel right and about 1km into the run I realise that the shoes I was wearing were not mine, they were a few sizes too big!
People are going to have similar shoes and towels so just make sure you know where your transition rack is, put crazy coloured elastic laces in your shoes, use a bright towel, anything to help you find your rack easily.
Wear your goggles on the inside of your hat and tuck your wetsuit zip cord into it
I have had my fair share of violent starts; pontoon starts always seem the worst as you literally dive on top of each other when the gun goes.
One race I did in France we had 60 female athletes starting on a pontoon with 20 lanes, it was carnage.
Whether it was on purpose or by accident ill never know but someone ripped my goggles from my head and completely unzipped my wetsuit. It immediately filled with water and my arms became so heavy I could barely lift them. My goggles were gone at this point but I had to stop and try to zip myself back up so that I could carry on. From that day I always kept my goggles under my hat and tucked my wetsuit cord deep into it. That way no one could grab either of them and even better I could find my wetsuit zipper easier as I was running from the water to transition.
Know the course – following others isn’t good enough
Make sure you are familiar with the course. Study the map and go for a small recce ride the day before to familiarise yourself with where you will be going.
One year in the London Triathlon I was following what I thought was the lead vehicle, but it was actually just a cameraman on a motorbike. I noticed that the usual barriers that line the streets had gone and before I fully realised we were off course we hit a dead end! There was a group of about 6 of us that came to a full stop. We had to turn around and head back until we found other cyclists that were on the right route.
It is easy to blame race officials, to just follow other athletes, to blame bad signage, no barriers, no lead vehicle etc but at the end of the day you are responsible for knowing and executing the correct route. Do not rely on others and just blindly follow other athletes.
Nutrition and hydration is key no matter the distance
It doesn’t matter if you aren’t hungry or thirsty, you must eat and hydrate well for a triathlon regardless of the distance. One summer in an Olympic distance race I had taped a gel to the cross bar of my bike. In the rush of draft legal races I accidently dropped it before I could eat it. I didn’t have a back up and I only had water in my bottles. Moral of the story: always be over prepared! It’s better to finish a race with an extra gel than to be suffering without one.
In the same race I didn’t drink on the run because I was desperately trying to hold onto a podium position. I thought if I grabbed water I might lose my rhythm or lose a few seconds and I just didn’t want to risk it. 1km left to go and I didn’t even know my own name, I was suffering from heat stroke and running in zigzags. The next thing I remember was waking up in fully naked in a bath of ice and an IV in my arm. Funny part to this story is the first thing I said when I woke up was “please tell me you didn’t cut off my Tri suit”
It was my GB Tri suit, my pride and joy the thing I had worked so hard to get. You had to earn those by racing at either European or World level. Since that day I have made sure to never have a nutritional or hydration issue racing again.
Practise mounting and dismounting – a lot!
In my opinion you cant practise this enough. I recently stood at the dismount line at a local triathlon in Dubai and it was very entertaining albeit quite dangerous.
I saw people brining their leg over the cross bar rather than behind. People completely stopping and others fly into the back of them and some athletes with their feet still inside shoes toppling over.
We used to do series of super super sprint races that were extremely fast. Imagine 20 riders coming to that narrow dismount line at very high speeds all wanting to be the first out onto the run. Believe it or not it’s not as bad as you imagine. Pros practise and practise this until it becomes second nature. They are so smooth and fast and safe around others. Of all the triathlons I have ever done I only ever had one issue here, my bike somehow got interlocked with another triathletes and we couldn’t separate them, we were both pulling our bikes and getting nowhere in the end we racked them still stuck together and were just very lucky we didn’t get penalised.
Don’t follow everyone else on the swim – sight your buoys.
Its easy to get caught up following someone else’s feet in the swim, its good to sit on someone’s feet but make sure you also know where your buoy is and keep sighting it.
A race I did in Australia that had a very long triangular shaped swim, the men set off an hour before the females so the sea was clear of any swimmers. I lead from the start, sighting the buoy very far out. The closer I got to it the more I realised how far to the left I has swum when it was supposed to be a straight line. I stopped, took off my goggles and could see the actual buoy about 400m to the right!! I panicked; I was so far off course surely that would be the end of my race. I turned around and noticed that every single other triathlete had followed me, like a line of sheep. Not one person had gone the correct way. So I headed in the right direction, still at the front and with everyone following.
As a former professional triathlete I have seen and done (nearly) every mistake. Thankfully this gives me an extra edge as a coach! So please reach out if you have any questions or want to discuss coaching options.

One-Hour Workout: Revving Your Swim Engine