The InnerFight Way
Why do you show up to workout?
There is no definitive answer, there are many amazing driving factors.Some of them we know, some of them are deep, others hover on the surface but get us through another day.
The act of working out as we know brings benefit to so many areas of our lives.
We could summarize as multiple inputs, multiple outputs.
So long as we are constantly deepening our understanding of both then for sure we are progressing.
Have a great week.

Mikkos Triangle testing week.
This week, we're going upside down with handstand holds and handstand push-ups, testing balance, strength, and control. Then, we’ll lock in that overhead power with some strength work.
This is a race simulation in which we will take on a full hyrax. It can be done individually or in a pair, and the run distance can be changed.
The focus is the same, but it's on a different weekend. Unlock those hips so you can sit on the floor next IFTAR. The main focus will be lower flexibility and glute activation.
In Pure Strength this week, we are kicking off the week with some incline press work, followed by some volume on the press and pull, and finishing off the session with some arms. Wednesday, we are hitting a 20-rep max on the RDL before getting in some single-leg work and some core and pull accessory work.
This week in weightlifting, we are working on the spit jerk technique. This is the perfect session for those wanting to increase their confidence overhead. Make sure not to miss out.

Monday Ride
A ride dedicated to group riding skills and some fitness. Coach Rob Foster leads this ride, if you'd like to join email
Start time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: The Loop Cafe, Bike DXB
Track Tuesday
Our weekly on track speed session! For any level of runner looking to build their run speed, threshold and Vo2max fitness and run with the best running community in Dubai.
Time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: Dubai Sports City Sports Park
Friday - Coffee Run
Our weekly tempo run. This run is currently gearing run fitness towards the incoming half marathons. Sessions are built on an RPE scale and accessible to all levels of runner.
Brief time: 05:54 am
Start time: 05:59 am
Start Location: Common Grounds

Time: 5:59pm
Location: InnerFight
Session: Tempo
PM Session only: This evening we will be holding Tempo pace (7/10 RPE) for 4 mins blocks of work. Each block will have a 1 min recovery. 7x reps.
Time: 5:59am
Location: Dubai Sports City Sports Park
Session: Track Tuesday
This is your chance to run fast with the wider IFE community and coaches. This week we will be running 1600m repeats that will gradually build in pace.
Time: 5:59am & 5:59pm
Location: InnerFight
Session: LRC Intervals
If you didn't run track, today we have some speed work for you today. We will be running broken 400s. Where the first 100m will be hard (9/10 effort) into a 300m float recovery. Aim for 8 - 12 x reps.
Time: 5:29am & 5:59am
Location: Common Grounds
Session: The Coffee Run
This week we will have bridge repeats for everyone. Helping you build some strength in your legs. There will be to start times, to cater for thsoe wanting to run a bit longer.

We are starting the week with some hinge-focused work. Power cleans into hang power cleans building over 6 sets before we continue with our Frong Stance Deadlifts; the workout will be heavy but fast and furious; do not be fooled by the lateral Jump!
A) Every 90secs x 6 - 1 Power Clean, 1 Hang Power Clean
B) Every 2mins x 5 - Frong Stance Deadlift
For time
12-10-8-6-4-2 Deadlift
24-20-16-12-8-4 Lateral Jumps Over The Bar
You have the chance to progress the pendlay rows before we go into some upper accessory work. A gymnastics
focused workout with wall walks and chest to bars are broken up with some assault bike efforts.
A) Every 2mins x 4 - 8/8/6/6 Pendlay Rows
B) Every 3mins x 4 3-5 Strict Pull Ups & Zotman Curls
18/15 cal Assault bike
8 c2b
3 wall walks
Strongman Day, where we have a sandbag squat and
There will be a lunge complex and some hip extensions, followed by a partner workout for time, which will finish with an all-out effort on the ski erg.
A) Every 3mins x 5 - 5 Sandbag Squats + 6 Alt Reverse Lunges
B) Every 90secs x 5 - 10 Weighted Hip Extensions
In Pairs in a 15-minute window
2 rounds
40/30 cal ski
40 TTB
50 wall balls
Max distance ski in the remaining time
On Thursday, we will strict press heavy before hitting an AMRAP set. Then, we will do some interval work with running and dumbbells.
A) Every 2 mins x 6 Strict press 3 3 2 2 1 + 90 sec amrap @ 75%
2 Rounds:
5 min amrap
Pool Run
5 Man makers
rest 2 mins
5 min amrap
2 Laps car park run
20 Double DB hang snatch
rest 2 mins
Friday, we finish the week with axel bar squats and Dumbell rows before diving into a team workout.
Why do you show up to workout?
There is no definitive answer, there are many amazing driving factors.Some of them we know, some of them are deep, others hover on the surface but get us through another day.
The act of working out as we know brings benefit to so many areas of our lives.
We could summarize as multiple inputs, multiple outputs.
So long as we are constantly deepening our understanding of both then for sure we are progressing.
Have a great week.

Monday Ride
A ride dedicated to group riding skills and some fitness. Coach Rob Foster leads this ride, if you'd like to join email
Start time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: The Loop Cafe, Bike DXB
Track Tuesday
Our weekly on track speed session! For any level of runner looking to build their run speed, threshold and Vo2max fitness and run with the best running community in Dubai.
Time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: Dubai Sports City Sports Park
Friday - Coffee Run
Our weekly tempo run. This run is currently gearing run fitness towards the incoming half marathons. Sessions are built on an RPE scale and accessible to all levels of runner.
Brief time: 05:54 am
Start time: 05:59 am
Start Location: Common Grounds

Time: 5:59pm
Location: InnerFight
Session: Tempo
PM Session only: This evening we will be holding Tempo pace (7/10 RPE) for 4 mins blocks of work. Each block will have a 1 min recovery. 7x reps.
Time: 5:59am
Location: Dubai Sports City Sports Park
Session: Track Tuesday
This is your chance to run fast with the wider IFE community and coaches. This week we will be running 1600m repeats that will gradually build in pace.
Time: 5:59am & 5:59pm
Location: InnerFight
Session: LRC Intervals
If you didn't run track, today we have some speed work for you today. We will be running broken 400s. Where the first 100m will be hard (9/10 effort) into a 300m float recovery. Aim for 8 - 12 x reps.
Time: 5:29am & 5:59am
Location: Common Grounds
Session: The Coffee Run
This week we will have bridge repeats for everyone. Helping you build some strength in your legs. There will be to start times, to cater for thsoe wanting to run a bit longer.

We are starting the week with some hinge-focused work. Power cleans into hang power cleans building over 6 sets before we continue with our Frong Stance Deadlifts; the workout will be heavy but fast and furious; do not be fooled by the lateral Jump!
A) Every 90secs x 6 - 1 Power Clean, 1 Hang Power Clean
B) Every 2mins x 5 - Frong Stance Deadlift
For time
12-10-8-6-4-2 Deadlift
24-20-16-12-8-4 Lateral Jumps Over The Bar
You have the chance to progress the pendlay rows before we go into some upper accessory work. A gymnastics
focused workout with wall walks and chest to bars are broken up with some assault bike efforts.
A) Every 2mins x 4 - 8/8/6/6 Pendlay Rows
B) Every 3mins x 4 3-5 Strict Pull Ups & Zotman Curls
18/15 cal Assault bike
8 c2b
3 wall walks
Strongman Day, where we have a sandbag squat and
There will be a lunge complex and some hip extensions, followed by a partner workout for time, which will finish with an all-out effort on the ski erg.
A) Every 3mins x 5 - 5 Sandbag Squats + 6 Alt Reverse Lunges
B) Every 90secs x 5 - 10 Weighted Hip Extensions
In Pairs in a 15-minute window
2 rounds
40/30 cal ski
40 TTB
50 wall balls
Max distance ski in the remaining time
On Thursday, we will strict press heavy before hitting an AMRAP set. Then, we will do some interval work with running and dumbbells.
A) Every 2 mins x 6 Strict press 3 3 2 2 1 + 90 sec amrap @ 75%
2 Rounds:
5 min amrap
Pool Run
5 Man makers
rest 2 mins
5 min amrap
2 Laps car park run
20 Double DB hang snatch
rest 2 mins
Friday, we finish the week with axel bar squats and Dumbell rows before diving into a team workout.

Mikkos Triangle testing week.
This week, we're going upside down with handstand holds and handstand push-ups, testing balance, strength, and control. Then, we’ll lock in that overhead power with some strength work.
This is a race simulation in which we will take on a full hyrax. It can be done individually or in a pair, and the run distance can be changed.
The focus is the same, but it's on a different weekend. Unlock those hips so you can sit on the floor next IFTAR. The main focus will be lower flexibility and glute activation.
In Pure Strength this week, we are kicking off the week with some incline press work, followed by some volume on the press and pull, and finishing off the session with some arms. Wednesday, we are hitting a 20-rep max on the RDL before getting in some single-leg work and some core and pull accessory work.
This week in weightlifting, we are working on the spit jerk technique. This is the perfect session for those wanting to increase their confidence overhead. Make sure not to miss out.
Why do you show up to workout?
There is no definitive answer, there are many amazing driving factors.Some of them we know, some of them are deep, others hover on the surface but get us through another day.
The act of working out as we know brings benefit to so many areas of our lives.
We could summarize as multiple inputs, multiple outputs.
So long as we are constantly deepening our understanding of both then for sure we are progressing.
Have a great week.

Time: 5:59pm
Location: InnerFight
Session: Tempo
PM Session only: This evening we will be holding Tempo pace (7/10 RPE) for 4 mins blocks of work. Each block will have a 1 min recovery. 7x reps.
Time: 5:59am
Location: Dubai Sports City Sports Park
Session: Track Tuesday
This is your chance to run fast with the wider IFE community and coaches. This week we will be running 1600m repeats that will gradually build in pace.
Time: 5:59am & 5:59pm
Location: InnerFight
Session: LRC Intervals
If you didn't run track, today we have some speed work for you today. We will be running broken 400s. Where the first 100m will be hard (9/10 effort) into a 300m float recovery. Aim for 8 - 12 x reps.
Time: 5:29am & 5:59am
Location: Common Grounds
Session: The Coffee Run
This week we will have bridge repeats for everyone. Helping you build some strength in your legs. There will be to start times, to cater for thsoe wanting to run a bit longer.

We are starting the week with some hinge-focused work. Power cleans into hang power cleans building over 6 sets before we continue with our Frong Stance Deadlifts; the workout will be heavy but fast and furious; do not be fooled by the lateral Jump!
A) Every 90secs x 6 - 1 Power Clean, 1 Hang Power Clean
B) Every 2mins x 5 - Frong Stance Deadlift
For time
12-10-8-6-4-2 Deadlift
24-20-16-12-8-4 Lateral Jumps Over The Bar
You have the chance to progress the pendlay rows before we go into some upper accessory work. A gymnastics
focused workout with wall walks and chest to bars are broken up with some assault bike efforts.
A) Every 2mins x 4 - 8/8/6/6 Pendlay Rows
B) Every 3mins x 4 3-5 Strict Pull Ups & Zotman Curls
18/15 cal Assault bike
8 c2b
3 wall walks
Strongman Day, where we have a sandbag squat and
There will be a lunge complex and some hip extensions, followed by a partner workout for time, which will finish with an all-out effort on the ski erg.
A) Every 3mins x 5 - 5 Sandbag Squats + 6 Alt Reverse Lunges
B) Every 90secs x 5 - 10 Weighted Hip Extensions
In Pairs in a 15-minute window
2 rounds
40/30 cal ski
40 TTB
50 wall balls
Max distance ski in the remaining time
On Thursday, we will strict press heavy before hitting an AMRAP set. Then, we will do some interval work with running and dumbbells.
A) Every 2 mins x 6 Strict press 3 3 2 2 1 + 90 sec amrap @ 75%
2 Rounds:
5 min amrap
Pool Run
5 Man makers
rest 2 mins
5 min amrap
2 Laps car park run
20 Double DB hang snatch
rest 2 mins
Friday, we finish the week with axel bar squats and Dumbell rows before diving into a team workout.

Mikkos Triangle testing week.
This week, we're going upside down with handstand holds and handstand push-ups, testing balance, strength, and control. Then, we’ll lock in that overhead power with some strength work.
This is a race simulation in which we will take on a full hyrax. It can be done individually or in a pair, and the run distance can be changed.
The focus is the same, but it's on a different weekend. Unlock those hips so you can sit on the floor next IFTAR. The main focus will be lower flexibility and glute activation.
In Pure Strength this week, we are kicking off the week with some incline press work, followed by some volume on the press and pull, and finishing off the session with some arms. Wednesday, we are hitting a 20-rep max on the RDL before getting in some single-leg work and some core and pull accessory work.
This week in weightlifting, we are working on the spit jerk technique. This is the perfect session for those wanting to increase their confidence overhead. Make sure not to miss out.

Monday Ride
A ride dedicated to group riding skills and some fitness. Coach Rob Foster leads this ride, if you'd like to join email
Start time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: The Loop Cafe, Bike DXB
Track Tuesday
Our weekly on track speed session! For any level of runner looking to build their run speed, threshold and Vo2max fitness and run with the best running community in Dubai.
Time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: Dubai Sports City Sports Park
Friday - Coffee Run
Our weekly tempo run. This run is currently gearing run fitness towards the incoming half marathons. Sessions are built on an RPE scale and accessible to all levels of runner.
Brief time: 05:54 am
Start time: 05:59 am
Start Location: Common Grounds
Why do you show up to workout?
There is no definitive answer, there are many amazing driving factors.Some of them we know, some of them are deep, others hover on the surface but get us through another day.
The act of working out as we know brings benefit to so many areas of our lives.
We could summarize as multiple inputs, multiple outputs.
So long as we are constantly deepening our understanding of both then for sure we are progressing.
Have a great week.
Why do you show up to workout?
There is no definitive answer, there are many amazing driving factors.Some of them we know, some of them are deep, others hover on the surface but get us through another day.
The act of working out as we know brings benefit to so many areas of our lives.
We could summarize as multiple inputs, multiple outputs.
So long as we are constantly deepening our understanding of both then for sure we are progressing.
Have a great week.

One-Hour Workout: Revving Your Swim Engine