The InnerFight Way
Mirror, signal, manoeuvre. One of the first things we are taught when we learn to drive. Before shifting the 2 tonnes of metal across the road we check that the space is available, we then notify those around us of what we are going to do before we attempt to do it. For the most part it works beautifully and over time it becomes second nature.
I often think about applying this kind of logic to human performance and I fast arrive at the conclusion that a lot of our logic is in fact not logical at all.
This week when you think about your body and your performance why not just ask yourself “is this logical?”
Have a great week.
No Weakness

50 min AMRAP of Rowing, Ski Erg and Running!
On Tuesday morning, we’ll dial in on toes-to-bar progressions, followed by capacity work. We’ll then round out the session with core and lat supersets to build strength and control.
Thursday evening, we’re going BIG on bar muscle-ups! Whether you're chasing your first rep or fine-tuning your technique for cleaner, stronger sets, we’ve got you covered with progressions, modifications, and strength drills to help you level up. As always, all abilities are welcome!
There are two weeks left until Sharjah. This is a race simulation in which we will take on a full HYROX. It can be done individually or in pairs, and the run distance can be changed.
In Pure Strength this week, we are kicking off the week with some strict press work followed by dumbbell flys and supinated barbell rows. On Wednesday, we are hitting a 20-rep max on the RDL, aiming to progress from last week before getting in some single-leg work and some core and pull accessory work.
This week, we are working on the snatch in weightlifting. This is a technique-based session. We are getting used to squatting with the barbell overhead and finishing with some heavy front squats. Do not miss out!

Monday Ride
A ride dedicated to group riding skills and some fitness. Coach Rob Foster leads this ride, if you'd like to join email
Start time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: The Loop Cafe, Bike DXB
Track Tuesday
Our weekly on track speed session! For any level of runner looking to build their run speed, threshold and Vo2max fitness and run with the best running community in Dubai.
Time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: Dubai Sports City Sports Park
Friday - Coffee Run
Our weekly tempo run. This run is currently gearing run fitness towards the incoming half marathons. Sessions are built on an RPE scale and accessible to all levels of runner.
Brief time: 05:54 am
Start time: 05:59 am
Start Location: Common Grounds
Time: 5:59pm
Location: InnerFight
Session: Tempo
PM Session only: This evening we will be holding Tempo pace (7/10 RPE) for 4 mins blocks of work. Each block will have a 1 min recovery. 7x reps.
Time: 5:59am
Location: Dubai Sports City Sports Park
Session: Track Tuesday
This is your chance to run fast with the wider IFE community and coaches. This week we will be running 1600m repeats that will gradually build in pace.
Time: 5:59am & 5:59pm
Location: InnerFight
Session: LRC Intervals
If you didn't run track, today we have some speed work for you today. We will be running broken 400s. Where the first 100m will be hard (9/10 effort) into a 300m float recovery. Aim for 8 - 12 x reps.
Time: 5:29am & 5:59am
Location: Common Grounds
Session: The Coffee Run
This week we will have bridge repeats for everyone. Helping you build some strength in your legs. There will be to start times, to cater for thsoe wanting to run a bit longer.

Here we go, people! The start of a new block! The next 12 weeks are going to be loaded with strength, some nasty but epic short workouts, lots of strongman and, every now and again, some longer conditioning pieces! Fridays will be something special. Scroll down, and you know what we are talking about! Time to get stronger and fitter!
We are kicking the week off with some knee flexion strength work, heavy back squats, step-ups, and cyclist goblet squats. Then we have a simple sprint workout of row wall balls row. How much do you want to hurt on the final row?
A) Every 2mins x 5 - 5 Back Squats Tempo 30X1
B) Every 2:30mins x 4 - 8 Barbell Box Step-Ups
C) Every 90secs x 3 - 8 Reps 1 1/4 Cyclist Goblet Squats
For Time:
500/400m row
50 Wall Balls
500/400m row
Tuesday, we have an Earthquake bar bench press followed by a triset of dumbbell presses, isometric chin over ball holds and push-ups. You will need a partner for the workout as you get stuck into some kettlebell carries and assault bike efforts.
A) Every 2mins x 5 - 8 Earthquake Bar Bench Press Tempo 20X1
B) Every 75secs Alt x 12 - 1) 10-12 Seated DB Press 2) 10-20 Second Chin Over Bar Hold 3) 30sec Push Ups
10 rounds for time In Pairs YGIG
15/12 cal bike
2 lengths carpark dual KB front rack carry.
Wednesday is all about power from the hips. Box jumps, power cleans and a frog stance deadlifts to build the posterior chain. Then we have a short, hard effort with the sandbags and dumbbells.
A) 5 Mins to establish a Max height box jump
B) EMOM x 8 - 3 hang power cleans
c) Every 2 mins x 5 - 5 frog stance Deadlift
For Time:
Sandbag Over Shoulder
DB Push Press
Thursday's strength is focused on some upper-body pulling with a Pendlay Row, and then we have a longer EMOM conditioning workout.
Pendlay Row
Every 2 mins x 4 - 10/10/8/8 Pendlay Row
Min 1 - Assault bike
Min 2 - 25 ab mat sit-ups
Min 3 - Ski erg
Min 4 - 15/12/9 burpee
Friday, we are finishing the week with some pull-ups and Olympic lifting in the strength piece before we cap off an epic week of training with a screamer of a workout!
Conditioning: Bring everything, including the kitchen sink! FUF are here and here to stay!
Mirror, signal, manoeuvre. One of the first things we are taught when we learn to drive. Before shifting the 2 tonnes of metal across the road we check that the space is available, we then notify those around us of what we are going to do before we attempt to do it. For the most part it works beautifully and over time it becomes second nature.
I often think about applying this kind of logic to human performance and I fast arrive at the conclusion that a lot of our logic is in fact not logical at all.
This week when you think about your body and your performance why not just ask yourself “is this logical?”
Have a great week.
No Weakness

Monday Ride
A ride dedicated to group riding skills and some fitness. Coach Rob Foster leads this ride, if you'd like to join email
Start time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: The Loop Cafe, Bike DXB
Track Tuesday
Our weekly on track speed session! For any level of runner looking to build their run speed, threshold and Vo2max fitness and run with the best running community in Dubai.
Time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: Dubai Sports City Sports Park
Friday - Coffee Run
Our weekly tempo run. This run is currently gearing run fitness towards the incoming half marathons. Sessions are built on an RPE scale and accessible to all levels of runner.
Brief time: 05:54 am
Start time: 05:59 am
Start Location: Common Grounds
Time: 5:59pm
Location: InnerFight
Session: Tempo
PM Session only: This evening we will be holding Tempo pace (7/10 RPE) for 4 mins blocks of work. Each block will have a 1 min recovery. 7x reps.
Time: 5:59am
Location: Dubai Sports City Sports Park
Session: Track Tuesday
This is your chance to run fast with the wider IFE community and coaches. This week we will be running 1600m repeats that will gradually build in pace.
Time: 5:59am & 5:59pm
Location: InnerFight
Session: LRC Intervals
If you didn't run track, today we have some speed work for you today. We will be running broken 400s. Where the first 100m will be hard (9/10 effort) into a 300m float recovery. Aim for 8 - 12 x reps.
Time: 5:29am & 5:59am
Location: Common Grounds
Session: The Coffee Run
This week we will have bridge repeats for everyone. Helping you build some strength in your legs. There will be to start times, to cater for thsoe wanting to run a bit longer.

Here we go, people! The start of a new block! The next 12 weeks are going to be loaded with strength, some nasty but epic short workouts, lots of strongman and, every now and again, some longer conditioning pieces! Fridays will be something special. Scroll down, and you know what we are talking about! Time to get stronger and fitter!
We are kicking the week off with some knee flexion strength work, heavy back squats, step-ups, and cyclist goblet squats. Then we have a simple sprint workout of row wall balls row. How much do you want to hurt on the final row?
A) Every 2mins x 5 - 5 Back Squats Tempo 30X1
B) Every 2:30mins x 4 - 8 Barbell Box Step-Ups
C) Every 90secs x 3 - 8 Reps 1 1/4 Cyclist Goblet Squats
For Time:
500/400m row
50 Wall Balls
500/400m row
Tuesday, we have an Earthquake bar bench press followed by a triset of dumbbell presses, isometric chin over ball holds and push-ups. You will need a partner for the workout as you get stuck into some kettlebell carries and assault bike efforts.
A) Every 2mins x 5 - 8 Earthquake Bar Bench Press Tempo 20X1
B) Every 75secs Alt x 12 - 1) 10-12 Seated DB Press 2) 10-20 Second Chin Over Bar Hold 3) 30sec Push Ups
10 rounds for time In Pairs YGIG
15/12 cal bike
2 lengths carpark dual KB front rack carry.
Wednesday is all about power from the hips. Box jumps, power cleans and a frog stance deadlifts to build the posterior chain. Then we have a short, hard effort with the sandbags and dumbbells.
A) 5 Mins to establish a Max height box jump
B) EMOM x 8 - 3 hang power cleans
c) Every 2 mins x 5 - 5 frog stance Deadlift
For Time:
Sandbag Over Shoulder
DB Push Press
Thursday's strength is focused on some upper-body pulling with a Pendlay Row, and then we have a longer EMOM conditioning workout.
Pendlay Row
Every 2 mins x 4 - 10/10/8/8 Pendlay Row
Min 1 - Assault bike
Min 2 - 25 ab mat sit-ups
Min 3 - Ski erg
Min 4 - 15/12/9 burpee
Friday, we are finishing the week with some pull-ups and Olympic lifting in the strength piece before we cap off an epic week of training with a screamer of a workout!
Conditioning: Bring everything, including the kitchen sink! FUF are here and here to stay!

50 min AMRAP of Rowing, Ski Erg and Running!
On Tuesday morning, we’ll dial in on toes-to-bar progressions, followed by capacity work. We’ll then round out the session with core and lat supersets to build strength and control.
Thursday evening, we’re going BIG on bar muscle-ups! Whether you're chasing your first rep or fine-tuning your technique for cleaner, stronger sets, we’ve got you covered with progressions, modifications, and strength drills to help you level up. As always, all abilities are welcome!
There are two weeks left until Sharjah. This is a race simulation in which we will take on a full HYROX. It can be done individually or in pairs, and the run distance can be changed.
In Pure Strength this week, we are kicking off the week with some strict press work followed by dumbbell flys and supinated barbell rows. On Wednesday, we are hitting a 20-rep max on the RDL, aiming to progress from last week before getting in some single-leg work and some core and pull accessory work.
This week, we are working on the snatch in weightlifting. This is a technique-based session. We are getting used to squatting with the barbell overhead and finishing with some heavy front squats. Do not miss out!
Mirror, signal, manoeuvre. One of the first things we are taught when we learn to drive. Before shifting the 2 tonnes of metal across the road we check that the space is available, we then notify those around us of what we are going to do before we attempt to do it. For the most part it works beautifully and over time it becomes second nature.
I often think about applying this kind of logic to human performance and I fast arrive at the conclusion that a lot of our logic is in fact not logical at all.
This week when you think about your body and your performance why not just ask yourself “is this logical?”
Have a great week.
No Weakness
Time: 5:59pm
Location: InnerFight
Session: Tempo
PM Session only: This evening we will be holding Tempo pace (7/10 RPE) for 4 mins blocks of work. Each block will have a 1 min recovery. 7x reps.
Time: 5:59am
Location: Dubai Sports City Sports Park
Session: Track Tuesday
This is your chance to run fast with the wider IFE community and coaches. This week we will be running 1600m repeats that will gradually build in pace.
Time: 5:59am & 5:59pm
Location: InnerFight
Session: LRC Intervals
If you didn't run track, today we have some speed work for you today. We will be running broken 400s. Where the first 100m will be hard (9/10 effort) into a 300m float recovery. Aim for 8 - 12 x reps.
Time: 5:29am & 5:59am
Location: Common Grounds
Session: The Coffee Run
This week we will have bridge repeats for everyone. Helping you build some strength in your legs. There will be to start times, to cater for thsoe wanting to run a bit longer.

Here we go, people! The start of a new block! The next 12 weeks are going to be loaded with strength, some nasty but epic short workouts, lots of strongman and, every now and again, some longer conditioning pieces! Fridays will be something special. Scroll down, and you know what we are talking about! Time to get stronger and fitter!
We are kicking the week off with some knee flexion strength work, heavy back squats, step-ups, and cyclist goblet squats. Then we have a simple sprint workout of row wall balls row. How much do you want to hurt on the final row?
A) Every 2mins x 5 - 5 Back Squats Tempo 30X1
B) Every 2:30mins x 4 - 8 Barbell Box Step-Ups
C) Every 90secs x 3 - 8 Reps 1 1/4 Cyclist Goblet Squats
For Time:
500/400m row
50 Wall Balls
500/400m row
Tuesday, we have an Earthquake bar bench press followed by a triset of dumbbell presses, isometric chin over ball holds and push-ups. You will need a partner for the workout as you get stuck into some kettlebell carries and assault bike efforts.
A) Every 2mins x 5 - 8 Earthquake Bar Bench Press Tempo 20X1
B) Every 75secs Alt x 12 - 1) 10-12 Seated DB Press 2) 10-20 Second Chin Over Bar Hold 3) 30sec Push Ups
10 rounds for time In Pairs YGIG
15/12 cal bike
2 lengths carpark dual KB front rack carry.
Wednesday is all about power from the hips. Box jumps, power cleans and a frog stance deadlifts to build the posterior chain. Then we have a short, hard effort with the sandbags and dumbbells.
A) 5 Mins to establish a Max height box jump
B) EMOM x 8 - 3 hang power cleans
c) Every 2 mins x 5 - 5 frog stance Deadlift
For Time:
Sandbag Over Shoulder
DB Push Press
Thursday's strength is focused on some upper-body pulling with a Pendlay Row, and then we have a longer EMOM conditioning workout.
Pendlay Row
Every 2 mins x 4 - 10/10/8/8 Pendlay Row
Min 1 - Assault bike
Min 2 - 25 ab mat sit-ups
Min 3 - Ski erg
Min 4 - 15/12/9 burpee
Friday, we are finishing the week with some pull-ups and Olympic lifting in the strength piece before we cap off an epic week of training with a screamer of a workout!
Conditioning: Bring everything, including the kitchen sink! FUF are here and here to stay!

50 min AMRAP of Rowing, Ski Erg and Running!
On Tuesday morning, we’ll dial in on toes-to-bar progressions, followed by capacity work. We’ll then round out the session with core and lat supersets to build strength and control.
Thursday evening, we’re going BIG on bar muscle-ups! Whether you're chasing your first rep or fine-tuning your technique for cleaner, stronger sets, we’ve got you covered with progressions, modifications, and strength drills to help you level up. As always, all abilities are welcome!
There are two weeks left until Sharjah. This is a race simulation in which we will take on a full HYROX. It can be done individually or in pairs, and the run distance can be changed.
In Pure Strength this week, we are kicking off the week with some strict press work followed by dumbbell flys and supinated barbell rows. On Wednesday, we are hitting a 20-rep max on the RDL, aiming to progress from last week before getting in some single-leg work and some core and pull accessory work.
This week, we are working on the snatch in weightlifting. This is a technique-based session. We are getting used to squatting with the barbell overhead and finishing with some heavy front squats. Do not miss out!

Monday Ride
A ride dedicated to group riding skills and some fitness. Coach Rob Foster leads this ride, if you'd like to join email
Start time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: The Loop Cafe, Bike DXB
Track Tuesday
Our weekly on track speed session! For any level of runner looking to build their run speed, threshold and Vo2max fitness and run with the best running community in Dubai.
Time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: Dubai Sports City Sports Park
Friday - Coffee Run
Our weekly tempo run. This run is currently gearing run fitness towards the incoming half marathons. Sessions are built on an RPE scale and accessible to all levels of runner.
Brief time: 05:54 am
Start time: 05:59 am
Start Location: Common Grounds
Mirror, signal, manoeuvre. One of the first things we are taught when we learn to drive. Before shifting the 2 tonnes of metal across the road we check that the space is available, we then notify those around us of what we are going to do before we attempt to do it. For the most part it works beautifully and over time it becomes second nature.
I often think about applying this kind of logic to human performance and I fast arrive at the conclusion that a lot of our logic is in fact not logical at all.
This week when you think about your body and your performance why not just ask yourself “is this logical?”
Have a great week.
No Weakness
Mirror, signal, manoeuvre. One of the first things we are taught when we learn to drive. Before shifting the 2 tonnes of metal across the road we check that the space is available, we then notify those around us of what we are going to do before we attempt to do it. For the most part it works beautifully and over time it becomes second nature.
I often think about applying this kind of logic to human performance and I fast arrive at the conclusion that a lot of our logic is in fact not logical at all.
This week when you think about your body and your performance why not just ask yourself “is this logical?”
Have a great week.
No Weakness

One-Hour Workout: Revving Your Swim Engine