Time Lapse Khatt Springs

“Timelapse Khatt Springs”
24hours (backyard ultra style loops leaving every 3 or 4 hours)
Each loop is 12.5km and has 500m of climbing and 500m descending.
Come along - run/walk 1 loop, 2….3….There are no rules. Come for the night, come on Saturday, come for the whole thing, come and ride a MTB, come and have a BBQ.....
I promise you one thing. This mountain will take you places mentally that you didn't know was possible. You will leave a better human than when you arrive. It will take your soul should you let it, and sometimes it will take your soul even if you fight it! It can also deliver some of the ultimate runner’s highs that you have ever experienced!
It is where many of the endurance team have run their first mountain ultras
It is where many experienced road runners have been humbled and often defeated by ‘just 1 loop’
It is where many inexperienced runners have smashed their first half marathon + (2 loops)
If this sounds like something you want to be a part of - please speak to your coach.
Contact coach Rob Jones or your endurance coach to get involved.
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