Eating for Health
I’m pretty sure if you are reading this article, you already know to eat Whole Foods, limit processed food, drink loads of water, cut out refined sugars and control your alcohol intake. Combine these with daily exercise and quality sleep and you are going in the right direction.
1. Eating for health controls ENERGY BALANCE
Food is fuel and gives us energy, if we don’t get enough energy, the body will shut down certain processes that are not necessarily needed to survive. Like our reproductive system or some aspects of metabolism.I’ve seen It a lot with clients who under eat because they are afraid to add on weighted and get the total opposite effect.
On the other side if we eat too much and there is a overload of energy that doesn’t get used. It will store as fat and too much fat will cause more problems. The risk for chronic diseases increases.
"We don’t eat too much or too little. This means we can stay healthy, fit and strong. We feel good, and our body shows it.”
2. Eating for health gives us NUTRIENTS
Have a look at what you're actually eating.
How much nutrients are in the foods you eat vs how much calories.
Cookies will be low on nutrients and high on calories = calorie dense food Vs Kale or any other vegetable will be low on calories and high on nutrients = nutrient dense food.
Be careful for “healthy cookies” labeled with organic, vegan, paleo, etc. no doubt these will be higher in nutrients and lower in refined sugars which is great, but don’t get fooled as eating loads of these will still give you too much energy.
Control your intake!
It’s not because it’s the healthier option you can just stuff your face with it.
3. Eating for health helps us LOOK, FEEL and PERFORM our best.
I’ve never met someone that didn’t want to look, feel or perform good. Although different people will have other opinions on what looks good or not and I totally agree with that.You don’t need to have six pack abs to look or feel good, leave alone perform good. Although it might help in a lot of cases ;-)
Whatever you feel is more important, that’s what your nutrition should help you to achieve.
Whether you are a pro athlete who wants to be in the best shape of his life to win every competition.
Or a newly mom recovering from her first pregnancy who just wants to feel like her old self again.
4. Eating for health is OUTCOME-BASED
“I’m eating really healthy but I’m not loosing any weight”
If your perception of “eating healthy” doesn’t match reality, maybe you need to rethink what you are doing.
If your body or performance isn’t showing it then ask yourself the question?
What is healthy food, and is my idea of healthy actually that accurate?
Eating too much healthy foods won’t help you if your goal is too loose weight.
Balance out your food, so it fits your lifestyle and makes you happy with the choices you make on a daily base.
5. Eating for health looks for STRENGTHS and WINS.
It’s NOT about following the rules and being strict all the time.
It’s about knowing your limiting factors!
If you like going out with friends, find ways to make it work.Saying NO to social occasions every time because you are afraid you will loose control isn’t sustainable and won’t make you happy.
If you don’t like to eat spinach, then don’t eat it. It’s that simple! Replace it for a vegetable you do like. Make a list of vegetables you like and combine these.
Are you someone who will eat the whole pack of chips if it is in the house, then don’t buy it. Next time you go to the supermarket, skip the isle with all the sweets.

50 min AMRAP of Rowing, Ski Erg and Running!
On Tuesday morning, we’ll dial in on toes-to-bar progressions, followed by capacity work. We’ll then round out the session with core and lat supersets to build strength and control.
Thursday evening, we’re going BIG on bar muscle-ups! Whether you're chasing your first rep or fine-tuning your technique for cleaner, stronger sets, we’ve got you covered with progressions, modifications, and strength drills to help you level up. As always, all abilities are welcome!
There are two weeks left until Sharjah. This is a race simulation in which we will take on a full HYROX. It can be done individually or in pairs, and the run distance can be changed.
In Pure Strength this week, we are kicking off the week with some strict press work followed by dumbbell flys and supinated barbell rows. On Wednesday, we are hitting a 20-rep max on the RDL, aiming to progress from last week before getting in some single-leg work and some core and pull accessory work.
This week, we are working on the snatch in weightlifting. This is a technique-based session. We are getting used to squatting with the barbell overhead and finishing with some heavy front squats. Do not miss out!
Monday Ride
A ride dedicated to group riding skills and some fitness. Coach Rob Foster leads this ride, if you'd like to join email
Start time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: The Loop Cafe, Bike DXB
Track Tuesday
Our weekly on track speed session! For any level of runner looking to build their run speed, threshold and Vo2max fitness and run with the best running community in Dubai.
Time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: Dubai Sports City Sports Park
Friday - Coffee Run
Our weekly tempo run. Sessions are built on an RPE scale and accessible to all levels of runner. We start together, run hard then finish together and chat about it over a coffee and breakfast.
Brief time: 05:54 am
Start time: 05:59 am
Start Location: Common Grounds
Sunday - Group Long Run
Our runners will be on the beach track today for our group long run. If you'd like to join please email
Time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: 300m on the beach track
Time: 5:59pm
Location: InnerFight
Session: Tempo
PM Session only: This evening we will be holding Tempo pace (7/10 RPE) for 4 mins blocks of work. Each block will have a 1 min recovery. 7x reps.
Time: 5:59am
Location: Dubai Sports City Sports Park
Session: Track Tuesday
This is your chance to run fast with the wider IFE community and coaches. This week we will be running 1600m repeats that will gradually build in pace.
Time: 5:59am & 5:59pm
Location: InnerFight
Session: LRC Intervals
If you didn't run track, today we have some speed work for you today. We will be running broken 400s. Where the first 100m will be hard (9/10 effort) into a 300m float recovery. Aim for 8 - 12 x reps.
Time: 5:29am & 5:59am
Location: Common Grounds
Session: The Coffee Run
This week we will have bridge repeats for everyone. Helping you build some strength in your legs. There will be to start times, to cater for thsoe wanting to run a bit longer.
This week at Innerfight, we start with some strict pull-up work and some overhead pushing with dumbbell rows. Monday's workout is a face-paced workout for time with dumbbell STOH pull-ups and double unders.
A) Every 75secs x 6 - 3 Strict Pull Ups
B) Every 90secs x 10 - Alt between 15 Incline Chest Support Rows & Half kneeling DB Press
Park run
4 rounds
10 Pull-ups
30 DU
On Tuesday, we are progressing our back squats with an easier tempo, followed by two partner workouts. Can you match your time from the first workout to the second workout?
Every 2mins x 5 - 3 Tempo Back Squats @20X1
12min AMRAP in Pairs
750m row
6 widths suitcase walking lunge
30 TTB
rest 3 mins
For time, your score in reverse order!
Midweek, we get stuck into some incline bench pressing, along with some direct lat and tricep accessory work, followed by a very short, very fast workout.
A) Incline Tempo Bench Press - 12/10/8/6/4 @30X1
B) Every 90secs x 6 Alt between 15 DB Skull Crushers & 10 Forearm Banded Plank Rows
30 - 20 -10
Wall Balls
Cal Ski
Thursday is a strongman's dream. It includes an axel bar deadlift and sandbag loading, followed by a strength workout with the sandbags.
A) EMOM x 10 - Min 1) Axel Bar Deadlift (Building) Min 2) Rest
B) EMOM x 10 - Min 1) Sandbag to Box (Building) Min 2) Rest
6-minute window
2 rounds
1 lap sandbag carry
10 sandbag reverse lunges
AMRAP burpees to target
rest 2 mins x 2
Friday, we finish the week with a heavy cluster followed by a very leggy workout! Enjoy!!!
A) Every 90secs x 6 - 1 Cluster
28mins - Thrusters, Box Jumps and Assualt Bike!
I’m pretty sure if you are reading this article, you already know to eat Whole Foods, limit processed food, drink loads of water, cut out refined sugars and control your alcohol intake. Combine these with daily exercise and quality sleep and you are going in the right direction.
1. Eating for health controls ENERGY BALANCE
Food is fuel and gives us energy, if we don’t get enough energy, the body will shut down certain processes that are not necessarily needed to survive. Like our reproductive system or some aspects of metabolism.I’ve seen It a lot with clients who under eat because they are afraid to add on weighted and get the total opposite effect.
On the other side if we eat too much and there is a overload of energy that doesn’t get used. It will store as fat and too much fat will cause more problems. The risk for chronic diseases increases.
"We don’t eat too much or too little. This means we can stay healthy, fit and strong. We feel good, and our body shows it.”
2. Eating for health gives us NUTRIENTS
Have a look at what you're actually eating.
How much nutrients are in the foods you eat vs how much calories.
Cookies will be low on nutrients and high on calories = calorie dense food Vs Kale or any other vegetable will be low on calories and high on nutrients = nutrient dense food.
Be careful for “healthy cookies” labeled with organic, vegan, paleo, etc. no doubt these will be higher in nutrients and lower in refined sugars which is great, but don’t get fooled as eating loads of these will still give you too much energy.
Control your intake!
It’s not because it’s the healthier option you can just stuff your face with it.
3. Eating for health helps us LOOK, FEEL and PERFORM our best.
I’ve never met someone that didn’t want to look, feel or perform good. Although different people will have other opinions on what looks good or not and I totally agree with that.You don’t need to have six pack abs to look or feel good, leave alone perform good. Although it might help in a lot of cases ;-)
Whatever you feel is more important, that’s what your nutrition should help you to achieve.
Whether you are a pro athlete who wants to be in the best shape of his life to win every competition.
Or a newly mom recovering from her first pregnancy who just wants to feel like her old self again.
4. Eating for health is OUTCOME-BASED
“I’m eating really healthy but I’m not loosing any weight”
If your perception of “eating healthy” doesn’t match reality, maybe you need to rethink what you are doing.
If your body or performance isn’t showing it then ask yourself the question?
What is healthy food, and is my idea of healthy actually that accurate?
Eating too much healthy foods won’t help you if your goal is too loose weight.
Balance out your food, so it fits your lifestyle and makes you happy with the choices you make on a daily base.
5. Eating for health looks for STRENGTHS and WINS.
It’s NOT about following the rules and being strict all the time.
It’s about knowing your limiting factors!
If you like going out with friends, find ways to make it work.Saying NO to social occasions every time because you are afraid you will loose control isn’t sustainable and won’t make you happy.
If you don’t like to eat spinach, then don’t eat it. It’s that simple! Replace it for a vegetable you do like. Make a list of vegetables you like and combine these.
Are you someone who will eat the whole pack of chips if it is in the house, then don’t buy it. Next time you go to the supermarket, skip the isle with all the sweets.
Monday Ride
A ride dedicated to group riding skills and some fitness. Coach Rob Foster leads this ride, if you'd like to join email
Start time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: The Loop Cafe, Bike DXB
Track Tuesday
Our weekly on track speed session! For any level of runner looking to build their run speed, threshold and Vo2max fitness and run with the best running community in Dubai.
Time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: Dubai Sports City Sports Park
Friday - Coffee Run
Our weekly tempo run. Sessions are built on an RPE scale and accessible to all levels of runner. We start together, run hard then finish together and chat about it over a coffee and breakfast.
Brief time: 05:54 am
Start time: 05:59 am
Start Location: Common Grounds
Sunday - Group Long Run
Our runners will be on the beach track today for our group long run. If you'd like to join please email
Time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: 300m on the beach track
Time: 5:59pm
Location: InnerFight
Session: Tempo
PM Session only: This evening we will be holding Tempo pace (7/10 RPE) for 4 mins blocks of work. Each block will have a 1 min recovery. 7x reps.
Time: 5:59am
Location: Dubai Sports City Sports Park
Session: Track Tuesday
This is your chance to run fast with the wider IFE community and coaches. This week we will be running 1600m repeats that will gradually build in pace.
Time: 5:59am & 5:59pm
Location: InnerFight
Session: LRC Intervals
If you didn't run track, today we have some speed work for you today. We will be running broken 400s. Where the first 100m will be hard (9/10 effort) into a 300m float recovery. Aim for 8 - 12 x reps.
Time: 5:29am & 5:59am
Location: Common Grounds
Session: The Coffee Run
This week we will have bridge repeats for everyone. Helping you build some strength in your legs. There will be to start times, to cater for thsoe wanting to run a bit longer.
This week at Innerfight, we start with some strict pull-up work and some overhead pushing with dumbbell rows. Monday's workout is a face-paced workout for time with dumbbell STOH pull-ups and double unders.
A) Every 75secs x 6 - 3 Strict Pull Ups
B) Every 90secs x 10 - Alt between 15 Incline Chest Support Rows & Half kneeling DB Press
Park run
4 rounds
10 Pull-ups
30 DU
On Tuesday, we are progressing our back squats with an easier tempo, followed by two partner workouts. Can you match your time from the first workout to the second workout?
Every 2mins x 5 - 3 Tempo Back Squats @20X1
12min AMRAP in Pairs
750m row
6 widths suitcase walking lunge
30 TTB
rest 3 mins
For time, your score in reverse order!
Midweek, we get stuck into some incline bench pressing, along with some direct lat and tricep accessory work, followed by a very short, very fast workout.
A) Incline Tempo Bench Press - 12/10/8/6/4 @30X1
B) Every 90secs x 6 Alt between 15 DB Skull Crushers & 10 Forearm Banded Plank Rows
30 - 20 -10
Wall Balls
Cal Ski
Thursday is a strongman's dream. It includes an axel bar deadlift and sandbag loading, followed by a strength workout with the sandbags.
A) EMOM x 10 - Min 1) Axel Bar Deadlift (Building) Min 2) Rest
B) EMOM x 10 - Min 1) Sandbag to Box (Building) Min 2) Rest
6-minute window
2 rounds
1 lap sandbag carry
10 sandbag reverse lunges
AMRAP burpees to target
rest 2 mins x 2
Friday, we finish the week with a heavy cluster followed by a very leggy workout! Enjoy!!!
A) Every 90secs x 6 - 1 Cluster
28mins - Thrusters, Box Jumps and Assualt Bike!

50 min AMRAP of Rowing, Ski Erg and Running!
On Tuesday morning, we’ll dial in on toes-to-bar progressions, followed by capacity work. We’ll then round out the session with core and lat supersets to build strength and control.
Thursday evening, we’re going BIG on bar muscle-ups! Whether you're chasing your first rep or fine-tuning your technique for cleaner, stronger sets, we’ve got you covered with progressions, modifications, and strength drills to help you level up. As always, all abilities are welcome!
There are two weeks left until Sharjah. This is a race simulation in which we will take on a full HYROX. It can be done individually or in pairs, and the run distance can be changed.
In Pure Strength this week, we are kicking off the week with some strict press work followed by dumbbell flys and supinated barbell rows. On Wednesday, we are hitting a 20-rep max on the RDL, aiming to progress from last week before getting in some single-leg work and some core and pull accessory work.
This week, we are working on the snatch in weightlifting. This is a technique-based session. We are getting used to squatting with the barbell overhead and finishing with some heavy front squats. Do not miss out!
I’m pretty sure if you are reading this article, you already know to eat Whole Foods, limit processed food, drink loads of water, cut out refined sugars and control your alcohol intake. Combine these with daily exercise and quality sleep and you are going in the right direction.
1. Eating for health controls ENERGY BALANCE
Food is fuel and gives us energy, if we don’t get enough energy, the body will shut down certain processes that are not necessarily needed to survive. Like our reproductive system or some aspects of metabolism.I’ve seen It a lot with clients who under eat because they are afraid to add on weighted and get the total opposite effect.
On the other side if we eat too much and there is a overload of energy that doesn’t get used. It will store as fat and too much fat will cause more problems. The risk for chronic diseases increases.
"We don’t eat too much or too little. This means we can stay healthy, fit and strong. We feel good, and our body shows it.”
2. Eating for health gives us NUTRIENTS
Have a look at what you're actually eating.
How much nutrients are in the foods you eat vs how much calories.
Cookies will be low on nutrients and high on calories = calorie dense food Vs Kale or any other vegetable will be low on calories and high on nutrients = nutrient dense food.
Be careful for “healthy cookies” labeled with organic, vegan, paleo, etc. no doubt these will be higher in nutrients and lower in refined sugars which is great, but don’t get fooled as eating loads of these will still give you too much energy.
Control your intake!
It’s not because it’s the healthier option you can just stuff your face with it.
3. Eating for health helps us LOOK, FEEL and PERFORM our best.
I’ve never met someone that didn’t want to look, feel or perform good. Although different people will have other opinions on what looks good or not and I totally agree with that.You don’t need to have six pack abs to look or feel good, leave alone perform good. Although it might help in a lot of cases ;-)
Whatever you feel is more important, that’s what your nutrition should help you to achieve.
Whether you are a pro athlete who wants to be in the best shape of his life to win every competition.
Or a newly mom recovering from her first pregnancy who just wants to feel like her old self again.
4. Eating for health is OUTCOME-BASED
“I’m eating really healthy but I’m not loosing any weight”
If your perception of “eating healthy” doesn’t match reality, maybe you need to rethink what you are doing.
If your body or performance isn’t showing it then ask yourself the question?
What is healthy food, and is my idea of healthy actually that accurate?
Eating too much healthy foods won’t help you if your goal is too loose weight.
Balance out your food, so it fits your lifestyle and makes you happy with the choices you make on a daily base.
5. Eating for health looks for STRENGTHS and WINS.
It’s NOT about following the rules and being strict all the time.
It’s about knowing your limiting factors!
If you like going out with friends, find ways to make it work.Saying NO to social occasions every time because you are afraid you will loose control isn’t sustainable and won’t make you happy.
If you don’t like to eat spinach, then don’t eat it. It’s that simple! Replace it for a vegetable you do like. Make a list of vegetables you like and combine these.
Are you someone who will eat the whole pack of chips if it is in the house, then don’t buy it. Next time you go to the supermarket, skip the isle with all the sweets.
Time: 5:59pm
Location: InnerFight
Session: Tempo
PM Session only: This evening we will be holding Tempo pace (7/10 RPE) for 4 mins blocks of work. Each block will have a 1 min recovery. 7x reps.
Time: 5:59am
Location: Dubai Sports City Sports Park
Session: Track Tuesday
This is your chance to run fast with the wider IFE community and coaches. This week we will be running 1600m repeats that will gradually build in pace.
Time: 5:59am & 5:59pm
Location: InnerFight
Session: LRC Intervals
If you didn't run track, today we have some speed work for you today. We will be running broken 400s. Where the first 100m will be hard (9/10 effort) into a 300m float recovery. Aim for 8 - 12 x reps.
Time: 5:29am & 5:59am
Location: Common Grounds
Session: The Coffee Run
This week we will have bridge repeats for everyone. Helping you build some strength in your legs. There will be to start times, to cater for thsoe wanting to run a bit longer.
This week at Innerfight, we start with some strict pull-up work and some overhead pushing with dumbbell rows. Monday's workout is a face-paced workout for time with dumbbell STOH pull-ups and double unders.
A) Every 75secs x 6 - 3 Strict Pull Ups
B) Every 90secs x 10 - Alt between 15 Incline Chest Support Rows & Half kneeling DB Press
Park run
4 rounds
10 Pull-ups
30 DU
On Tuesday, we are progressing our back squats with an easier tempo, followed by two partner workouts. Can you match your time from the first workout to the second workout?
Every 2mins x 5 - 3 Tempo Back Squats @20X1
12min AMRAP in Pairs
750m row
6 widths suitcase walking lunge
30 TTB
rest 3 mins
For time, your score in reverse order!
Midweek, we get stuck into some incline bench pressing, along with some direct lat and tricep accessory work, followed by a very short, very fast workout.
A) Incline Tempo Bench Press - 12/10/8/6/4 @30X1
B) Every 90secs x 6 Alt between 15 DB Skull Crushers & 10 Forearm Banded Plank Rows
30 - 20 -10
Wall Balls
Cal Ski
Thursday is a strongman's dream. It includes an axel bar deadlift and sandbag loading, followed by a strength workout with the sandbags.
A) EMOM x 10 - Min 1) Axel Bar Deadlift (Building) Min 2) Rest
B) EMOM x 10 - Min 1) Sandbag to Box (Building) Min 2) Rest
6-minute window
2 rounds
1 lap sandbag carry
10 sandbag reverse lunges
AMRAP burpees to target
rest 2 mins x 2
Friday, we finish the week with a heavy cluster followed by a very leggy workout! Enjoy!!!
A) Every 90secs x 6 - 1 Cluster
28mins - Thrusters, Box Jumps and Assualt Bike!

50 min AMRAP of Rowing, Ski Erg and Running!
On Tuesday morning, we’ll dial in on toes-to-bar progressions, followed by capacity work. We’ll then round out the session with core and lat supersets to build strength and control.
Thursday evening, we’re going BIG on bar muscle-ups! Whether you're chasing your first rep or fine-tuning your technique for cleaner, stronger sets, we’ve got you covered with progressions, modifications, and strength drills to help you level up. As always, all abilities are welcome!
There are two weeks left until Sharjah. This is a race simulation in which we will take on a full HYROX. It can be done individually or in pairs, and the run distance can be changed.
In Pure Strength this week, we are kicking off the week with some strict press work followed by dumbbell flys and supinated barbell rows. On Wednesday, we are hitting a 20-rep max on the RDL, aiming to progress from last week before getting in some single-leg work and some core and pull accessory work.
This week, we are working on the snatch in weightlifting. This is a technique-based session. We are getting used to squatting with the barbell overhead and finishing with some heavy front squats. Do not miss out!
Monday Ride
A ride dedicated to group riding skills and some fitness. Coach Rob Foster leads this ride, if you'd like to join email
Start time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: The Loop Cafe, Bike DXB
Track Tuesday
Our weekly on track speed session! For any level of runner looking to build their run speed, threshold and Vo2max fitness and run with the best running community in Dubai.
Time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: Dubai Sports City Sports Park
Friday - Coffee Run
Our weekly tempo run. Sessions are built on an RPE scale and accessible to all levels of runner. We start together, run hard then finish together and chat about it over a coffee and breakfast.
Brief time: 05:54 am
Start time: 05:59 am
Start Location: Common Grounds
Sunday - Group Long Run
Our runners will be on the beach track today for our group long run. If you'd like to join please email
Time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: 300m on the beach track
I’m pretty sure if you are reading this article, you already know to eat Whole Foods, limit processed food, drink loads of water, cut out refined sugars and control your alcohol intake. Combine these with daily exercise and quality sleep and you are going in the right direction.
1. Eating for health controls ENERGY BALANCE
Food is fuel and gives us energy, if we don’t get enough energy, the body will shut down certain processes that are not necessarily needed to survive. Like our reproductive system or some aspects of metabolism.I’ve seen It a lot with clients who under eat because they are afraid to add on weighted and get the total opposite effect.
On the other side if we eat too much and there is a overload of energy that doesn’t get used. It will store as fat and too much fat will cause more problems. The risk for chronic diseases increases.
"We don’t eat too much or too little. This means we can stay healthy, fit and strong. We feel good, and our body shows it.”
2. Eating for health gives us NUTRIENTS
Have a look at what you're actually eating.
How much nutrients are in the foods you eat vs how much calories.
Cookies will be low on nutrients and high on calories = calorie dense food Vs Kale or any other vegetable will be low on calories and high on nutrients = nutrient dense food.
Be careful for “healthy cookies” labeled with organic, vegan, paleo, etc. no doubt these will be higher in nutrients and lower in refined sugars which is great, but don’t get fooled as eating loads of these will still give you too much energy.
Control your intake!
It’s not because it’s the healthier option you can just stuff your face with it.
3. Eating for health helps us LOOK, FEEL and PERFORM our best.
I’ve never met someone that didn’t want to look, feel or perform good. Although different people will have other opinions on what looks good or not and I totally agree with that.You don’t need to have six pack abs to look or feel good, leave alone perform good. Although it might help in a lot of cases ;-)
Whatever you feel is more important, that’s what your nutrition should help you to achieve.
Whether you are a pro athlete who wants to be in the best shape of his life to win every competition.
Or a newly mom recovering from her first pregnancy who just wants to feel like her old self again.
4. Eating for health is OUTCOME-BASED
“I’m eating really healthy but I’m not loosing any weight”
If your perception of “eating healthy” doesn’t match reality, maybe you need to rethink what you are doing.
If your body or performance isn’t showing it then ask yourself the question?
What is healthy food, and is my idea of healthy actually that accurate?
Eating too much healthy foods won’t help you if your goal is too loose weight.
Balance out your food, so it fits your lifestyle and makes you happy with the choices you make on a daily base.
5. Eating for health looks for STRENGTHS and WINS.
It’s NOT about following the rules and being strict all the time.
It’s about knowing your limiting factors!
If you like going out with friends, find ways to make it work.Saying NO to social occasions every time because you are afraid you will loose control isn’t sustainable and won’t make you happy.
If you don’t like to eat spinach, then don’t eat it. It’s that simple! Replace it for a vegetable you do like. Make a list of vegetables you like and combine these.
Are you someone who will eat the whole pack of chips if it is in the house, then don’t buy it. Next time you go to the supermarket, skip the isle with all the sweets.
I’m pretty sure if you are reading this article, you already know to eat Whole Foods, limit processed food, drink loads of water, cut out refined sugars and control your alcohol intake. Combine these with daily exercise and quality sleep and you are going in the right direction.
1. Eating for health controls ENERGY BALANCE
Food is fuel and gives us energy, if we don’t get enough energy, the body will shut down certain processes that are not necessarily needed to survive. Like our reproductive system or some aspects of metabolism.I’ve seen It a lot with clients who under eat because they are afraid to add on weighted and get the total opposite effect.
On the other side if we eat too much and there is a overload of energy that doesn’t get used. It will store as fat and too much fat will cause more problems. The risk for chronic diseases increases.
"We don’t eat too much or too little. This means we can stay healthy, fit and strong. We feel good, and our body shows it.”
2. Eating for health gives us NUTRIENTS
Have a look at what you're actually eating.
How much nutrients are in the foods you eat vs how much calories.
Cookies will be low on nutrients and high on calories = calorie dense food Vs Kale or any other vegetable will be low on calories and high on nutrients = nutrient dense food.
Be careful for “healthy cookies” labeled with organic, vegan, paleo, etc. no doubt these will be higher in nutrients and lower in refined sugars which is great, but don’t get fooled as eating loads of these will still give you too much energy.
Control your intake!
It’s not because it’s the healthier option you can just stuff your face with it.
3. Eating for health helps us LOOK, FEEL and PERFORM our best.
I’ve never met someone that didn’t want to look, feel or perform good. Although different people will have other opinions on what looks good or not and I totally agree with that.You don’t need to have six pack abs to look or feel good, leave alone perform good. Although it might help in a lot of cases ;-)
Whatever you feel is more important, that’s what your nutrition should help you to achieve.
Whether you are a pro athlete who wants to be in the best shape of his life to win every competition.
Or a newly mom recovering from her first pregnancy who just wants to feel like her old self again.
4. Eating for health is OUTCOME-BASED
“I’m eating really healthy but I’m not loosing any weight”
If your perception of “eating healthy” doesn’t match reality, maybe you need to rethink what you are doing.
If your body or performance isn’t showing it then ask yourself the question?
What is healthy food, and is my idea of healthy actually that accurate?
Eating too much healthy foods won’t help you if your goal is too loose weight.
Balance out your food, so it fits your lifestyle and makes you happy with the choices you make on a daily base.
5. Eating for health looks for STRENGTHS and WINS.
It’s NOT about following the rules and being strict all the time.
It’s about knowing your limiting factors!
If you like going out with friends, find ways to make it work.Saying NO to social occasions every time because you are afraid you will loose control isn’t sustainable and won’t make you happy.
If you don’t like to eat spinach, then don’t eat it. It’s that simple! Replace it for a vegetable you do like. Make a list of vegetables you like and combine these.
Are you someone who will eat the whole pack of chips if it is in the house, then don’t buy it. Next time you go to the supermarket, skip the isle with all the sweets.

One-Hour Workout: Revving Your Swim Engine